I Showed My Resume To (Whoever) And They Said (Whatever)

While it can be a good idea to get feedback on your resume, who you ask and what you ask are important. Everyone has an opinion about your resume, especially if you ask them for their opinion.

It’s important to be strategic about who you ask to review your resume.

There are a couple of people you should ask for feedback, and specific tasks for each of them.

The first is someone who knows you — and your work — well.

This might be a close friend, a spouse or significant other, or a past colleague. (Why not a current colleague? Be careful who you let know you’re looking for a new job. Some bosses presume you’ll stay with your current employer forever and may perceive it as disloyal that you’re looking. You can’t count on your current co-workers to keep your job search completely confidential.)

You want this person to review your resume and answer the following three questions:

  • Do you see anything I need to change or correct?
  • Does this sound like me?
  • Is there anything I should add?

The second is someone who hires for jobs in your field or industry.

This might be a past supervisor (perhaps someone you’re using as a job reference). It should be someone who is currently hiring, not someone who used to hire candidates. The job search process changes rapidly, and the advice that you may get from someone who hasn’t reviewed resumes in a while might be dated. (For example, the one-page resume is no longer a big deal in the age of electronic resume submission—and is totally inappropriate for federal resumes, which easily range 4-6 pages.)

Remember, though, that the person involved in hiring likely sees resumes only after they have made it through the applicant tracking system (ATS) software or made it past Human Resources (HR).

Don’t ask just anyone for feedback. Too many opinions can lead to “analysis paralysis” where you become obsessed with perfection instead of getting started using your resume in your job search.

Need assistance with resume writing? Check out our services and resources!

Show Your Value

Whether you’re trying to get promoted or change careers, it is important to show your value. No one cares about your career as much as you do; among other things, that means that you must establish some kind of system to track your experiences and accomplishments—ideally with numbers.

Most employers are looking for past experience and accomplishments as a guide to what you can bring to their organization. There are many people both in and outside your organization who do what you do; what makes you better? That’s what employers are looking to see on your resume and hear during your interview.

So how do you track your value? Here are some ideas:

  • The Army asks new recruits to create an “I Love Me Book” to collect accolades, etc. While this language may not be comfortable for you, the concept is sound. Create a log or file, either electronic or paper, and collect nice emails, copies of your performance reviews, award nominations, and the like. If you make an electronic file, remember to do so on your personal computer—remember, your employer owns their equipment and you may lose access. You can also make notes on your calendar, a spreadsheet, or in a journal.
  • Write an annual accomplishment report—whether or not your boss requires you to do so. This is a great way to keep track of and record your biggest annual achievements. Be sure to give a copy to your boss at performance evaluation time—and keep a copy for yourself too.
  • Put time on your calendar to update your accomplishments. With a specific time (perhaps every other week) allocated for updating, you won’t forget. 10 minutes should do it; everyone can spare 10 minutes a couple of times per month.

What should you track?

  • Awards, commendations, and complimentary emails.
  • Professional development.
  • Certifications.
  • Performance reviews
  • Information about involvement (not just membership) in trade associations or industry groups.
  • Speaking engagements and publications.
  • Your performance metrics and how you met them.
  • Notable projects (and their results)
  • Numbers related to budgets, contracts, and people.
  • Dollars saved, % increases in productivity.

The above includes just some ideas to get you started; feel free to add them to this list. Remember, it’s up to YOU to show your value.

Looking for Your First REAL Job?

Are you a recent college graduate looking for your first post-college position? What should your resume look like?

  1. Make sure your resume is ready to go! If you’re targeting the federal government, you need a highly detailed resume—most entry level federal resumes run 3-4 pages—even if you don’t have an extensive work history. Recent grad private sector resumes should be 1 page (unless you have lots work experience—then 2 pages might be appropriate).
  • Network. You’ve heard this before, but it remains true; networking can help.
  • Leverage the services of your college / university career center, even if you have already graduated, your career center will help. Career centers often offer resume services, opportunities for interviewing on campus, and a built in network.
  • Be open to the reality that your “perfect” job may not be available; you may need to gain some experience (and contacts) through jobs that may not be at with your targeted organization but may help you get closer.
  • Check your social media; make sure it represents a professional image. This goes for your email too.
  • Have a plan; don’t just wing it. Research organizations and positions. Set up “search agents” with various organizations that interest you. Develop and follow a strategy. Looking for a job is a job; spend the necessary time and effort.
  • Don’t forget about informational interviews. Informational interviews (also called information sessions, informational meetings, or research interviews) are interviews that are conducted to gather information to help prepare for a job interview and/or learn more about a specific job, industry, or company. Informational interview is not a job interview, and should not be confused with one. With an informational interview, you’re not seeking a job — you are seeking information to help you get a job.
  • Create and practice your elevator speech. Know what to say when you’re asked what kind of job you’re looking for.
  • Don’t ignore temporary opportunities; while not ideal, of course, temporary positions can provide needed work experience, references, and networking opportunities.

While this article is primarily focused on new and recent graduates, many of the tips are applicable to more experienced job seekers as well.

If you’re looking for resume writing services, check out our approach to Entry Level & First-Time Federal Government Jobs by clicking here!

Resume Myth Busters

True or False…

The purpose of a resume is to get a job.
  • FALSE: The purpose of your resume is to get an interview. And hiring managers use the resume to determine who not to interview as well. The information you choose to include—or exclude—from your resume can make the difference on whether you will get an interview.
I need to include my entire work history on my resume.
  • FALSE: These days the standard for resumes is to focus on your last 10 or so years of experience. Most employers want to know what you have done recently—not what you did in the early 2000’s, 1990’s, or even earlier.
My resume should be 1 page.
  • FALSE: This is a pretty common misconception. For private sector resumes, 2 pages is entirely appropriate (assuming you have something to say). For the federal government, 4-6 pages is standard. The key thing is that the information is provided in an organized format and offers the level of detail necessary to help the reader determine whether the applicant is a good fit for the role.
Readers of my resume will understand what I do.
  • FALSE: Oftentimes the first reader of your resume is from Human Resources. They are unlikely to be subject matter experts in your technical area. This means that your resume should not be overly technical, and all acronyms must be spelled out. If the first level reviewer does not understand what you have written, your resume is unlikely to be passed on to a hiring manager.
It is important to show my education at the top of my resume.
  • FALSE: Unless you are within 3 or so years of graduation and seeking an entry level role or are preparing an academic curriculum vitae (CV), your education belongs at the end of your resume. In most instances, you are “selling” your experience, not your education. And in both the federal and private sector arenas, there is a renewed emphasis on competencies, rather than education.
I need to include my objective and references on my resume.
  • FALSE: Using an objective and mentioning references is old fashioned. Instead create a skills summary to show the value you can bring and leave off any mention of references.
Reviewers spend time reading my entire resume.
  • FALSE: Private sector studies have shown that most reviewers spent between 5 and 15 seconds looking at a resume. Federal reviewers spend more time, but the point is the same—you need to ensure that your resume immediately demonstrates your value, and all content is relevant to the job you are targeting.

There are other myths circulating about resumes too but at the end of the day, your resume is a marketing document, one that strategically presents your work experience and education as a way to showcase how you can make a contribution to your next employer.

For more resume writing and federal job related information subscribe to our newsletter on LinkedIn by clicking here and through our website by clicking here.

Give Your Career a Gift for 2023

New year, new start! Here are 10 easy things to do to improve your career in 2023:

  1. Listen more attentively and be truly open to feedback (and don’t forget to ask for it).
  2. Work on your soft skills and emotional intelligence.
  3. Set professional goals—they don’t have to be large ones, but you do need to write them down.
  4. Network—both internal and external to your organization.
  5. Find a mentor
  6. Create a professional development plan; consider not just formal training but also short-term / stretch assignments.
  7. Become more self-aware; recognize and address your weak points—as well as improve your strengths
  8. Take care of yourself; this includes short breaks during the workday, as well as using your vacation time.
  9. Update your career documents and social media.
  10. Get in the habit of tracking your accomplishments.

While promotions are certainly not guaranteed, the above 10 ideas will put you on the track for success—either with your current employer or someone else.

For more career tips, infographics, federal job postings, and other helpful media content like our Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram!

Does Your Resume Say, “Responsible for…”?

There are words you should use in your resume—and words you definitely should not. If your resume uses the words “responsible for,” you have work to do! Just because you’re responsible for something doesn’t mean you did it—it only means that you are supposed to do it! Other phrases that you should banish from your resume include: duties include, hardworking, objective, references available upon request, detail-oriented (unless included on the job posting you’re targeting), team player, phone (and email)—although you should certainly include your contact information, there’s no reason to label it. There are more but you get the idea.

Instead of using passive language—or words that are so generic as to be meaningless, your resume should use action verbs.

Here are some strong words to show your value:

  • Delivered
  • Identified
  • Resolved
  • Led
  • Directed
  • Oversaw
  • Conducted
  • Focused
  • Reconciled
  • Organized
  • Presented
  • Coordinated
  • Delegated
  • Orchestrated
  • Built
  • Planned
  • Spearheaded
  • Created
  • Designed
  • Formed
  • Decreased
  • Furthered
  • Saved
  • Clarified
  • Modernized
  • Streamlined
  • Upgraded
  • Aligned

There are many additional words to choose from; make sure the language you use on your resume is strong and represents what you bring to the table!

If you’re needing assistance with your resume feel free to reach out about our Resume Writing Services!