Show Your Value

Whether you’re trying to get promoted or change careers, it is important to show your value. No one cares about your career as much as you do; among other things, that means that you must establish some kind of system to track your experiences and accomplishments—ideally with numbers.

Most employers are looking for past experience and accomplishments as a guide to what you can bring to their organization. There are many people both in and outside your organization who do what you do; what makes you better? That’s what employers are looking to see on your resume and hear during your interview.

So how do you track your value? Here are some ideas:

  • The Army asks new recruits to create an “I Love Me Book” to collect accolades, etc. While this language may not be comfortable for you, the concept is sound. Create a log or file, either electronic or paper, and collect nice emails, copies of your performance reviews, award nominations, and the like. If you make an electronic file, remember to do so on your personal computer—remember, your employer owns their equipment and you may lose access. You can also make notes on your calendar, a spreadsheet, or in a journal.
  • Write an annual accomplishment report—whether or not your boss requires you to do so. This is a great way to keep track of and record your biggest annual achievements. Be sure to give a copy to your boss at performance evaluation time—and keep a copy for yourself too.
  • Put time on your calendar to update your accomplishments. With a specific time (perhaps every other week) allocated for updating, you won’t forget. 10 minutes should do it; everyone can spare 10 minutes a couple of times per month.

What should you track?

  • Awards, commendations, and complimentary emails.
  • Professional development.
  • Certifications.
  • Performance reviews
  • Information about involvement (not just membership) in trade associations or industry groups.
  • Speaking engagements and publications.
  • Your performance metrics and how you met them.
  • Notable projects (and their results)
  • Numbers related to budgets, contracts, and people.
  • Dollars saved, % increases in productivity.

The above includes just some ideas to get you started; feel free to add them to this list. Remember, it’s up to YOU to show your value.