Looking for Your First REAL Job?

Are you a recent college graduate looking for your first post-college position? What should your resume look like?

  1. Make sure your resume is ready to go! If you’re targeting the federal government, you need a highly detailed resume—most entry level federal resumes run 3-4 pages—even if you don’t have an extensive work history. Recent grad private sector resumes should be 1 page (unless you have lots work experience—then 2 pages might be appropriate).
  • Network. You’ve heard this before, but it remains true; networking can help.
  • Leverage the services of your college / university career center, even if you have already graduated, your career center will help. Career centers often offer resume services, opportunities for interviewing on campus, and a built in network.
  • Be open to the reality that your “perfect” job may not be available; you may need to gain some experience (and contacts) through jobs that may not be at with your targeted organization but may help you get closer.
  • Check your social media; make sure it represents a professional image. This goes for your email too.
  • Have a plan; don’t just wing it. Research organizations and positions. Set up “search agents” with various organizations that interest you. Develop and follow a strategy. Looking for a job is a job; spend the necessary time and effort.
  • Don’t forget about informational interviews. Informational interviews (also called information sessions, informational meetings, or research interviews) are interviews that are conducted to gather information to help prepare for a job interview and/or learn more about a specific job, industry, or company. Informational interview is not a job interview, and should not be confused with one. With an informational interview, you’re not seeking a job — you are seeking information to help you get a job.
  • Create and practice your elevator speech. Know what to say when you’re asked what kind of job you’re looking for.
  • Don’t ignore temporary opportunities; while not ideal, of course, temporary positions can provide needed work experience, references, and networking opportunities.

While this article is primarily focused on new and recent graduates, many of the tips are applicable to more experienced job seekers as well.

If you’re looking for resume writing services, check out our approach to Entry Level & First-Time Federal Government Jobs by clicking here!

Give Your Career a Gift for 2023

New year, new start! Here are 10 easy things to do to improve your career in 2023:

  1. Listen more attentively and be truly open to feedback (and don’t forget to ask for it).
  2. Work on your soft skills and emotional intelligence.
  3. Set professional goals—they don’t have to be large ones, but you do need to write them down.
  4. Network—both internal and external to your organization.
  5. Find a mentor
  6. Create a professional development plan; consider not just formal training but also short-term / stretch assignments.
  7. Become more self-aware; recognize and address your weak points—as well as improve your strengths
  8. Take care of yourself; this includes short breaks during the workday, as well as using your vacation time.
  9. Update your career documents and social media.
  10. Get in the habit of tracking your accomplishments.

While promotions are certainly not guaranteed, the above 10 ideas will put you on the track for success—either with your current employer or someone else.

For more career tips, infographics, federal job postings, and other helpful media content like our Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram!

Are You Getting Passed Over for Promotions?

Have you been applying for promotions and not getting picked despite the fact that you think you’re qualified? Here are some possible reasons why:

  • You may not have the skills you think you do. Perhaps you’re really good technically but haven’t exhibited the interpersonal or soft skills the next level requires. Or one of the technical skills needed for that promotion may not be your strength—even though you can perform that function at a basic level.
  • While you do everything asked—and do it well, you may not be seen as someone who takes the initiative. Do you proactively problem solve or look to management to help? Do you go above and beyond—all the time?
  • You may be seen as too casual or unprofessional. Do you gossip? Dress too casually? Sign off the minute you’re able? Again, you may get everything done but these other issues—or your reputation—may hurt your chances for promotion.
  • You’re not really known outside your work group. As you move up the ladder, people you do not interact with regularly may weigh in on promotion decisions. Do you the people above you—and do they know you?
  • You have communicated that it’s “your turn” to be promoted based on tenure. This never goes well; promotions need to be earned and it needs to be clear that you’re ready. Organizations need to be convinced that you can add value for them.
  • You haven’t communicated that you’re looking to move up. Have you spoken to your boss about your career interests? Actually applied for the job? Shown that you can “do more”?
  • Your organization doesn’t have higher-level work. You may have simply reached as far as you can go in your organization. Are you competing with lots of high-potential employees? Is your organization flailing or otherwise not doing well? Is the work you do fairly routine? Assessing whether promotion is possible in your current environment is important.

What can you do to better position yourself for promotion?

  • Sit down with your supervisor and share your short- and longer-term goals. Ask for feedback—and listen to what you hear. Show that you’re trying to implement suggestions.
  • Track your accomplishments. It is important for you to recognize and share your achievements. This does not mean being a braggart. But it does mean that you should know and communicate your achievements to your boss. You can do this during your performance discussions and in writing during your end-of-year evaluation.
  • Build and leverage your professional network. You need support to get promoted—and that support needs to come from more than your peers and subordinates. Make yourself known to leadership in a positive way. Use LinkedIn and other tools to stay in touch with colleagues outside your organization to stay current and understand how other organizations view your position.
  • Consider getting a coach and/or a mentor. It’s always helpful to hear another unbiased opinion on your situation.

Remember, no one cares about your career more than you do. Take charge!

Are You Following to Bad Career Advice?

There’s a lot of career advice available—some of it is current and informed –other advice, not so much! If you do a simple search for career advice, you will get literally millions of potential hits. And that’s before you hear from friends and relatives. How do you wade through this advice?

  • Look at the source. Are they a “flash in the pan” or are they credible, credentialed, and currently working in the career field and publishing? I see a lot of people writing about resumes and careers and it is clear that many are not up-to-date.
  • Are they telling you to include an objective and references on your resume? If so, keep looking for more updated advice! No employer cares what you want (objective)—they want to know what you offer. And every employer knows that you’ll provide references if requested; no need to mention references on your resume at all.
  • What about page limits for your resume? If they’re telling you to limit your resume to 1 page and you’ve been working for more than a couple of years, 2 pages for private industry is totally appropriate. And, if you’re looking for a federal job, a one-page resume will never do (and neither will a two-pager).
  • The focus is on finding your “passion.” Most of us have to work, period. If you find yourself in a career that you consider to be your passion, congratulations! But do not expect every job to fulfil every part of yourself. Looking only at jobs that you are passionate about may have you pass by jobs that don’t fit into your ideal job—but might be equally fulfilling.
  • You’re being told to take the first job offered. If you need the money and you need it now, then taking the first job offered may not be the worst thing you can do. But if you can afford to wait a bit and have other potential jobs in process, you may want to try and delay making a decision. This will allow you to see if something else comes up and do your due diligence on the position offered. Of course, you cannot a delay a decision indefinitely.
  • The person offering advice may have an underlying bias. Whether the bias is about what women can do career-wise, or has a generally anxious approach to life, or wants you to make a certain amount of money, or whether they do not want you to leave your current job situation for personal reasons, or something else entirely, consider who is offering the advice and what they may personally get out of your decision.
  • If you set your mind to it, you can do anything; this is common advice—mostly from friends and relatives. You need to be qualified (at least mostly) for the jobs you’re targeting, and your resume has to show it.

No one cares more about your career than you do—manage it strategically. Engage professionals along the way to help, for sure; just make sure that what they’re offering makes sense and represents current best practices.