Show Your Value

Whether you’re trying to get promoted or change careers, it is important to show your value. No one cares about your career as much as you do; among other things, that means that you must establish some kind of system to track your experiences and accomplishments—ideally with numbers.

Most employers are looking for past experience and accomplishments as a guide to what you can bring to their organization. There are many people both in and outside your organization who do what you do; what makes you better? That’s what employers are looking to see on your resume and hear during your interview.

So how do you track your value? Here are some ideas:

  • The Army asks new recruits to create an “I Love Me Book” to collect accolades, etc. While this language may not be comfortable for you, the concept is sound. Create a log or file, either electronic or paper, and collect nice emails, copies of your performance reviews, award nominations, and the like. If you make an electronic file, remember to do so on your personal computer—remember, your employer owns their equipment and you may lose access. You can also make notes on your calendar, a spreadsheet, or in a journal.
  • Write an annual accomplishment report—whether or not your boss requires you to do so. This is a great way to keep track of and record your biggest annual achievements. Be sure to give a copy to your boss at performance evaluation time—and keep a copy for yourself too.
  • Put time on your calendar to update your accomplishments. With a specific time (perhaps every other week) allocated for updating, you won’t forget. 10 minutes should do it; everyone can spare 10 minutes a couple of times per month.

What should you track?

  • Awards, commendations, and complimentary emails.
  • Professional development.
  • Certifications.
  • Performance reviews
  • Information about involvement (not just membership) in trade associations or industry groups.
  • Speaking engagements and publications.
  • Your performance metrics and how you met them.
  • Notable projects (and their results)
  • Numbers related to budgets, contracts, and people.
  • Dollars saved, % increases in productivity.

The above includes just some ideas to get you started; feel free to add them to this list. Remember, it’s up to YOU to show your value.

Give Your Career a Gift for 2023

New year, new start! Here are 10 easy things to do to improve your career in 2023:

  1. Listen more attentively and be truly open to feedback (and don’t forget to ask for it).
  2. Work on your soft skills and emotional intelligence.
  3. Set professional goals—they don’t have to be large ones, but you do need to write them down.
  4. Network—both internal and external to your organization.
  5. Find a mentor
  6. Create a professional development plan; consider not just formal training but also short-term / stretch assignments.
  7. Become more self-aware; recognize and address your weak points—as well as improve your strengths
  8. Take care of yourself; this includes short breaks during the workday, as well as using your vacation time.
  9. Update your career documents and social media.
  10. Get in the habit of tracking your accomplishments.

While promotions are certainly not guaranteed, the above 10 ideas will put you on the track for success—either with your current employer or someone else.

For more career tips, infographics, federal job postings, and other helpful media content like our Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram!

Job Search During The Holidays—Networking Made Easy

The holiday season can be the perfect time to conduct your job search. Why? Because there are many opportunities for networking—even in the current environment. With holiday gatherings, either in person or virtually, you have natural opportunities to build your network. Why does this matter? Because research shows that as many as 80% of successful hiring can be attributed to networking.

Here are some tips for successful networking:

  1. Build your network before you need it. Having a strong network helps build your brand and reputation, increases your visibility, and can provide support.
  2. Recognize that networking is a two-way street. You should not think about networking just as an opportunity to improve your own situation but also as a way to support others. Do something to build your network each and every day, whether that’s sending an email to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, or identifying someone new you want to meet.
  3. Find your (potential) network everywhere around you. Sources to grow your network are everywhere from your friends and relatives to business associates such as accountants, attorneys, vendors (be sure to understand your organization’s ethics rules), to alumni associations to community organizations, and everyone in between. Even the people in your holiday card file! Make a list—your network is probably larger than you imagined.
  4. Seek out opportunities to meet people. You can attend holiday parties, volunteer in your community, participate in networking events, and take part in industry-related conferences, among other things. Follow up with everyone you meet either via LinkedIn or email.
  5. Ask for help (if you need it) and be specific about exactly what you need. Most people will be happy to help you — but you need to ask. A specific request for assistance (“Does anyone know someone who works in the accounting department at Company X?”) is more likely to be fulfilled than a general request (“I need a new job! Help!”)
  6. Follow up. If a networking contact gives you advice, a lead, or information, follow up on that information — and then also get back to that person to let them know how it went.
  7. Don’t forget about networking online. LinkedIn is the professional networking site. Make sure your profile is up to date. As you build your connections, customize your ask by sharing where you met / what you have in common. Comment on posts, and join groups. Post yourself. Work on growing your network to 500 or so.
  8. Pay it forward. After you land your new job, be sure to thank your network — especially contacts that have specifically helped you with your job search. At a minimum, send a personal note to everyone who assisted you in your search. And don’t forget to spread the word that you’ve accepted a new opportunity. Don’t neglect your network just because you found a new job. One of the most important parts of maintaining your network is providing assistance when you are asked. Be responsive to requests for help from folks in your network when you are asked.

My Interview Went Well…But I Didn’t Get The Job

It happens to all of us; you think you nailed your interview and you’re already thinking about resigning from your current position but then you find out that you didn’t get the job. What happened?

A number of things, of course, could have happened. Here are 10 to consider:

  1. You misread the room. It’s always possible that the interview did not go as well as you thought…you may have just misread the room, come off as overly rehearsed, arrogant, or any number of things.
  2. There were a lot of well-qualified interviewees. You may, in fact, have interviewed very well—but it’s possible others did as well. Don’t be discouraged, your non-selection does not mean that you weren’t qualified.
  3. Something about the way you presented yourself was not a good match. You may have had a great interview and strong qualifications but there may have been factors (yes, let’s call them unconscious biases) that turned off your interviewers. I once had a hiring manager tell me that she wouldn’t hire someone because the interviewee came in wearing something other than navy, black, or brown!
  4. Your social media did not match the image the organization wants to project. Right or wrong, many hiring managers will check your social media. What does yours say about you?
  5. The organization already had another candidate in mind. Sometimes interviews are just proforma. Doesn’t make it right. Think about it as the organization’s version of practicing even though they’re not serious about you as a candidate. Applicants do this all the time.
  6. You didn’t close the interview, do any follow-up, etc. Hiring managers want to know that you’re interested in their job; you should close your interview appropriately and follow up (without being a nuisance).
  7. The job disappeared, got canceled, was subject to budget cuts, priorities changed, or the position suffered a similar fate.
  8. Your references were not strong enough. Most employers will contact references—even for candidates they really liked. Are your references strong enough?
  9. Your social interactions with non-interviewers (receptionist, security, etc.) were not as pleasant, warm, and/or polite as they were with the interviewers. Everybody counts! And sometimes, everyone gets a vote.
  10. Your responses did not include strong accomplishments. It’s one thing to have simpatico with your interviewers; it’s another to really back up your answers with strong examples of your success—and tie those examples to the job you’re interviewing for.

It’s That Time Again…September is Update Your Resume Month!

You know you should keep your resume updated but do you actually do it? If not, September is the perfect time to do so. Designated “Update Your Resume Month,” you can get in the spirit by updating yours!

So, what should you do?

Here are 10 easy things for you to do:

  1. Review your existing resume; ensure that your current job is on your resume
  2. Remove jobs that are more than 10 or so years old; or at least put them in a category called Earlier Professional Experience (or something similar)
  3. Update your achievements; what have you done in your current position that had an impact on your employer? Did you save money? Increase productivity? Create a new way to do something?
  4. Add any new educational achievements; did you get a new degree? A new license of some sort? Professional certifications? Something else?
  5. Note any significant awards or industry honors. It adds to your credibility when you are recognized outside your organization.
  6. Include updated numbers. Did your staff size increase? What about your budget? Size of your territory/responsibility? Numbers help give your work context.
  7. Delete the words “responsible for;” just because you are responsible for something, it doesn’t mean you actually do it. It means that you should do it. It tells the reader nothing.
  8. Eliminate personal pronouns from your resume. Resumes should be written in first person implied—no personal pronouns. Started your sentences with active verbs (and no “s” at the end of them either!)
  9. Assess your Qualifications Statement; does it still reflect what you’re targeting? Include keywords? Make a compelling case for your candidacy? If not, tweak it.
  10. Check for typos you may have missed the last time you reviewed your resume.

Doing the above should take less than an hour. If you spend the time to keep your resume updated, you’ll be ready to go when that dream job becomes available!

You can check out some other Update You Resume Month posts from previous years below:

Do I Really Need A New Resume?

Man looking at computer working on his resume.

I haven’t met anyone yet who thinks writing resumes is fun…except for professional resume writers. If you are staring at your own resume and deciding what to do, here are some thoughts to help you determine if you really should start over.

How long ago was your resume created or updated?

  • If your resume was created within 12 to 18 months, and you’re seeking a similar role to your current position, the answer is easy: Update your existing document. If the resume was created 18 months to 3 years ago, and you’re seeking a similar role, the right answer is probably to update the existing resume.
  • The more difficult choice is if the resume was created between 3-5 years ago. In that case, review the resume format. If the structure is still modern in appearance, and adding the new information doesn’t substantially affect the format, a refresh is most likely the right choice.
  • If the resume was created more than 5 years ago, 99 times out of 100, the right answer is to start over.

Are you seeking a new role in the same profession/career field, or are you changing professions?

  • If you are pursuing a new role in a different field, whether to refresh or do over depends on if the industry you are targeting has different standards for resumes than your current industry. Moving from the federal to the private sector or vice versa would qualify as a do-over.
  • If you are changing careers entirely, you will want to start fresh. You can’t use the same resume for substantially different positions. If you’re a teacher and want to pursue a role in outside sales, your education-focused resume won’t work. If you’re a former trial lawyer who is seeking a role in nonprofit administration, you’ll want a new format that showcases your transferable skills.

Is there an “Objective” statement at the top of your resume?

  • If the answer is yes, you need an overhaul. Even removing the objective statement probably won’t be enough to meet the standards of a modern resume, since the content in the top 1/3 of the resume is so critical. (It needs to be replaced with branding statements and content that showcases your qualifications.)

Has your existing resume gotten too long?

  • Federal resumes typically run 4-6 pages (the longest I’ve ever seen was 67 pages and included footnotes!!); a private sector one should not typically exceed 2 pages. If your resume includes 25 years of work experience in excruciating detail, it may be time to start completely from scratch. The reason is: If you’ve just constantly added new positions without thinking through the strategy of what you’re including on your resume, it may be best to start over.

If you need assistance with your resume you can check out our Resume Writing Services or Contact Us for help! There are also many videos about resume writing on our YouTube channel like ‘Essential Tips for Writing Your Federal Resume‘.