10 Ways to Improve How you Network

We have all heard that networking is important but most of us would rather not do it. Here are 10 easy things to make networking easier

  1. Attend conferences and meetings that really interest you. This way you’re more likely to interact with people who have similar interests which will make it easier to talk to people.
  2. Organize your thoughts first. How will you answer questions about your interests? What specific talents, skills, and connections can you bring to the table? Practice saying those things out loud.
  3. Help others. Once you listen to what others have to say, you may begin to see how someone you know may be able to help that person. Be a connector!
  4. Follow up and follow through. Do what you said you would do; if you told someone you would be in touch, do it. If you said you would introduce people, do it. Send people you meet LinkedIn connection requests (with a customized invite, of course).
  5. Be approachable. Smile and be pleasant. To everyone. Enough said.
  6. Listen more than you talk. Everyone likes to be listened to. Listen actively, while looking at the person talking and not over their shoulder. Ask questions. Put your phone away.
  7. Always have business cards. If your organization won’t give them to you for free, buy them yourself—they’re not expensive. If you meet someone, offer your card and tell them that they are welcome to follow up. You’re likely to get one in return. Follow up on LinkedIn.
  8. Use people’s names. When you meet them, as you are separating, and throughout the conversation as appropriate. This helps make your connection more personal and you’re more likely to remember them if you run into them again.
  9. Network in different ways. These include casual contacts at official network events, professional associations, and online networks. Each serve their purpose and you’ll be more effective (and get to know more people) if you explore different networking venues. Be visible.
  10. If you’re still not sure, check out these resources (and of course, there are many more available as well): How to Work a Room, Susan RoAne; Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi, and Networking Like a Pro, Dr. Ivan Misner.

BONUS: Networking doesn’t have to be a special event. Any conversation you have has the potential to be a networking opportunity! Its about establishing and maintaining connections with people, not just meeting them.

10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

I am constantly surprised about the pushback I still get about LinkedIn. While it is certainly true that the private sector uses LinkedIn more than the government, in my experience, government agencies are getting onboard. In fact, at one agency where I recently conducted training, I was told that people who didn’t have LinkedIn Profiles didn’t get interviews—even internal candidates! Whether that is right or wrong, good or bad, is not the point. If you don’t have a LinkedIn Profile you need one; if you do have one, it can probably be better. So, here are 10 things you can do right now; keeping with our theme for the month, together these should take less than 30 minutes:

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10 Mistakes You’re Making on LinkedIn

Mistake 1: You’re not on LinkedIn. If you’re not, you need to be—even if you’re working for the government! While LinkedIn is used more in the private sector than in the government, the US Army has the largest number of “employees” of any company in the world. And in some agencies I work with, if you’re not on LinkedIn, you won’t get an interview.

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Make Your Job Search Part of your Routine, Always Network

I often hear comments along the lines of, “I’ve never had to look for a job, they have always just fallen into my lap.” While that may have been true in the past, for most of us, a successful job search requires organization and effort. You will need to develop a routine to be successful in your job search. It is important to do something to move your job search forward every day. You will need to create a new set of priorities and schedules—and write it down so you can hold yourself accountable.

Since you’re employed but seeking new opportunities, you need to make an extra effort to make time for your job search. Be consistent in the amount of time you spend each week looking for a job. Don’t spend 40 hours one week and then nothing for the next two weeks! The hardest part is getting started. Once you get the momentum into your search, you will want to keep moving forward. Set a schedule and stick to it.

First you need to decide whether you’re looking for another federal job or if you want to transition to the private sector. If you want another federal job, you should create a search agent on USAJOBS. The search agent should target the agencies, positions, grades, and occupations you’re interested in. You should also update your federal resume, making sure to include quantifiable accomplishments and metrics to give your work context. In addition, take a look at your LinkedIn Profile (you have one, right?). While the federal government doesn’t typically use LinkedIn to conduct job search, hiring managers will often look at LinkedIn to “check you out” prior to interviewing. You can and should use LinkedIn for networking—reach out to potential contacts and let them know you’re thinking about making a change, and ask them to notify you if they have an opening that might be of interest. You should also network in person; attend professional meetings if possible and let your friends and others know that you’re open to a job change.

If you have decided to transition to the private sector, the underlying concepts are the same; you need to have a private sector resume that uses key words, has accomplishments and metrics, and shows that value you offer to a potential employer. If you haven’t written a private sector resume in many years, please know that they have changed. The old “objective” statement at the top of the resume has been replaced with a “qualifications profile” that immediately showcases who you are and what you have to offer a prospective employer. Likewise, it is considered old fashioned to include a section on references in your resume; instead, you should have a separate reference page.

Unlike the federal government, most of the private sector uses Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to screen applicants. If you’re applying online for a position — whether through a company’s own website or a portal like Indeed or Monster — it’s likely that your resume and application will be entered into a database. This makes ensuring that you customize your resume for each job posting essential, as ATS is searching for key words.

Networking is essential for a private sector job search; even with the widespread usage of ATS, it’s humans that still do the actual hiring. Having a referral from someone already in the organization you are targeting is very helpful. Research consistently indicates that more than 40% of jobseekers identify networking as the reason they found their most recent job. Social media is also critical to your private sector job search; many recruiters and companies use LinkedIn to “source” applicants. Your LinkedIn presence should present a positive professional image—and your other social media, such as Facebook, should not undercut that image. You should also make sure that the job titles and dates on your resume match those on LinkedIn.

It is also important to track your job search. Keep a list of the jobs you applied for, the dates you applied, and the results. You may also want to keep copies of the specific job postings so that you can properly prepare for interviews when called. Prepare a list of people in your network and then develop a log of when you reached out, what you discussed, and any appropriate follow up. Sign up with various job search boards, but be careful about putting personal information such as addresses, social security numbers, and the like, in the public domain. Read professional journals so you know what is going on in your industry. Attend job fairs. Develop your references. And most importantly, do something every day to further your job search!

Develop a Social Media Plan for your Career, Part 2

LinkedIn is the most important part of a social media strategy in terms of your career, but let’s look at the last part of a strong social media plan.

STEP FOUR: Update Your Other Social Media Profiles 
Take some time to make sure that your other non-LinkedIn social media platforms are up-to-date. Review your profile photos and background images. For consistency, consider changing your profile photos on all of your social media accounts to the same (professional) photo. This can help the person looking for you to identify that they have the right person — especially for social media accounts that you want them to be looking at.

Also review any photo galleries associated with your account (for example, on Twitter and Facebook). Delete any controversial or offensive photos. (Remember, they won’t be gone entirely from the Internet, but at least they won’t be as easy to find.) Do the same for any potentially offensive content you have posted.

STEP FIVE: Deliberately Cultivate Your Online Presence 
One of the best ways to boost your online profile is to curate your profiles. For the platforms you have decided to concentrate on, develop a schedule for adding new content that will enhance your social media presence.

For example, if you can commit to it, a personal blog is an excellent way to establish thought leadership and enhance your career prospects. However, you must be willing to post regularly — for example, once a week, or twice a month.

The first thing to do is to pick one platform to be your “home base.” This is where you will spend the majority of your time and effort. For many jobseekers, that’s LinkedIn, because it offers the best opportunity to connect with potential hiring managers and recruiters. Others may be more comfortable with Twitter, Facebook, or a blog. It doesn’t matter so much which platform you choose as that you choose a platform.

Set goals for yourself — what do you want to show up when you Google yourself? If you want your blog to rank higher in Google’s search results, you’ll need to spend some time developing and curating content, populating the profile, and engaging in activities that will increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of the blog.

If you’re not engaging in a confidential job search, use your social media profiles to let people know you’re looking — and to ask for specific help in identifying your next opportunity or employer.

If you identified any “gaps” in your online presence as part of your social media audit, join those social media networks and set up your profile and begin adding content to your account.

Finally, make engaging on social media a daily habit. You don’t have to spend hours each day building your online presence. You can spend as little as 15 minutes a day — or an hour a week — on your social media.

Here are some daily activities to consider:

  • On LinkedIn: post a status update, check out the activities in your relevant Groups, make 1-2 new connections, “follow” a company you’d like to work for, and reach out to 1 existing connection (either by commenting on their status update, sending a message, or using LinkedIn’s “keep in touch” reminders to “like” or “comment” on your connections’ activities.
  • On Facebook: post a status update, “like” the page of a company that you’d like to work for, and friend someone you used to work with (or send a message to someone you’re already friends with who might be able to help you with your job search).
  • On Twitter: follow a company you’re interested in working for, tweet something job-related (make sure it’s positive in tone, not negative!), and retweet something interesting.
  • On Pinterest: see if there are any boards related to your industry and follow one or more of them; research to see if a company you’d like to work for has a board, pin something career-related to one of your own boards, and connect with two new people.
  • On your blog: Write a blog post, respond to comments, add a resource, or find a previous blog post that you can share to one of your other social media platforms. Research relevant blogs in your industry and sign up for email or RSS notifications for new posts. Comment on a blog post.

These are just a few of the possible activities you can consider each day. Another thing to consider is pre-scheduling content. You might write your blog post for the week on a Saturday, but schedule the post to publish on the following Tuesday morning at 10 a.m.

Remember this advice: “It doesn’t matter so much what you do, as that you do.” Don’t substitute social media activity for other actions related to your job search, but recognize that social media can help you build your network and keep yourself “top of mind” with people who are in a position to hire you, or help you identify possible job opportunities.

Develop a Social Media Plan for your Career, Part 1

Our last two articles were about auditing your existing social media.

This article is focused on developing your online presence and social media plan so that it helps your chances of employment. This includes online reputation management, privacy settings, and using your social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) to assist in your job search.

STEP ONE: Delete any accounts you’ve not going to commit to keeping up.

This might be a hard one for you! What? Delete a social media account? (Or more than one?) Yes. Is your blog a ghost town, populated with intermittent posts from a year ago? Do you have 10 Twitter followers and 15 tweets? (Did you only set up your Twitter account because someone told you that you need one?) Do you still have a Myspace account, but the last time you were on it, NSYNC was still together?

When it comes to your job search, it’s better not to have dormant accounts. Cast-off accounts make it look like you’re not committed. It’s better to have one or two active platforms you’re involved with than 5-6 platforms with content you don’t keep up with regularly.

Can’t bear the thought of permanently deleting your stuff? Check and see if you can temporarily deactivate your account. If that’s an option, you can do that instead of deleting the account entirely, at least while you’re searching for a new job.

Also, make sure you’ve deleted any inappropriate content, if you haven’t already. Remember, once something is posted on the Internet, it can potentially exist forever. However, deleting the content does make it harder for a prospective employer to find.

STEP TWO: Check your privacy settings on any accounts you’re keeping. Be mindful about what you’re doing.

First, make a list of the social media platforms you’re involved in. (There should be fewer of them, now that you’ve completed Step One!) Next, review the privacy settings for each platform. Not sure how to check the privacy settings? The easiest way is to Google “privacy settings + (social media platform).” For example, a search for Facebook privacy settings will take you to this help page: https://www.facebook.com/help/325807937506242/

You can also use Facebook’s “View As” feature to see how your profile appears to others. To use this feature, make sure you’re logged into your Facebook account. Then go to your profile and click .

Click “View as” in the dropdown menu. You’ll be able to see what your profile looks like to the general public. At the top of the page, just under the Facebook search box, if you choose “View as Specific Person,” you can enter an individual’s name, and Facebook will show you what your profile looks like to that person, based on your privacy settings. (You must be friends with the person to use this feature.)

Check the privacy settings for each of the social media platforms you’re using.

STEP THREE: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete.

LinkedIn is likely your most visible employment-related social media profile, so spend some time working to make sure it is up-to-date. The first thing to do is to make sure your LinkedIn profile is “complete” by LinkedIn’s standards.

To be considered “complete” by LinkedIn’s standards, you need these items in your LinkedIn profile:
-Your industry and location
-An up-to-date current position (with a description)
-Two past positions
-Your education
-At least three skills
-A profile photo
-At least 50 connections

Profiles that meet all of these criteria are 40 times more likely to “receive opportunities,” according to LinkedIn.

Once your profile is “complete,” there are still several other tasks to complete on LinkedIn to make yourself more “findable” by prospective employers and recruiters.

Review the content of your LinkedIn profile. Make sure the content of your LinkedIn profile matches up with the information on your résumé. However, there is one important distinction between your résumé and LinkedIn profile: You can create multiple, customized versions of your résumé to target different types of positions. However, you can only have one LinkedIn profile. So make sure your Headline and Summary represent you for the type of position you’re seeking.

If you haven’t already, set up your personalized URL for your LinkedIn profile.

By default, LinkedIn assigns you a URL with random numbers and letters. For branding purposes, you will want to customize the link.

You should always create a unique URL. An easy-to-read website address increases the chance of people being able to remember and find you on LinkedIn. You can also promote your custom signature link on your blog, Facebook page, and through email signatures.

You can use between 5-30 letters or numbers to build your custom URL. (You cannot use spaces, symbols, or special characters in your profile URL.) It may seem obvious, but make sure you use your name in your profile URL. If you have a common name, you may not be able to use just your name, so consider including a keyword related to your job or industry — for example, “BobSmithAccounting.”

Customize your URL on the “Edit Your Public Profile” page, underneath the “Customize Your Public Profile” section.

Click the “Create your custom URL” link.

All LinkedIn website addresses begin with http://www.linkedin.com/in

*Choose a professional photo for your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn profiles with pictures attract 50-70 percent more inquires than profiles without a photo.

Here are some tips for your profile photo:
• Choose an up-to-date photo. Your profile photo should be a recent photo of you — within the last 12-18 months.
• At a minimum, your photo should include your head and shoulders, not just a close-up of your face. You may also consider using a full body shot of you sitting or standing.
• Make sure you are the only person in your photo. Don’t crop other people out of your photo.
• Be sure to look at the background in the photo to make sure there is nothing distracting in it.
• If you have multiple photos to choose from, you can use the PhotoFeeler website (https://www.photofeeler.com/) to find the most effective profile photo.

Ensure your contact information is available on the profile.

Make it easy for a prospective employer to connect with you. Include your phone number(s), email addresses, and other contact information in the “Advice for Contacting” section.

Click “Edit Profile” from the “Profile” menu, and it’s one of the sections you can add.

Depending on your privacy settings, this information can be visible to the public, so adjust your settings accordingly.

Remember, people who aren’t connected to you can’t email you, so including your contact information here can help your job search by giving them a way to reach you outside of LinkedIn. (You should also consider including a home or cell number in this section.)

Other things to include on your LinkedIn profile:
-Make sure you’ve included all the languages you speak.
-Include all the courses you’ve taken.
-Detail the key projects you’ve worked on (using the Project section).

Also, build up the number of Recommendations you have on your profile. Ideally, you want 1-2 Recommendations for every 100 contacts. Because the date the Recommendation was received will show up on your profile, aim to build your Recommendations slowly, over time. The best way to receive Recommendations is to give them. Commit to writing one Recommendation for people you’re connected to at least once a month.

Finally, one of the most important things you can do is to continue to build your network of connections. While LinkedIn only requires 50 connections for your profile to be “complete,” you need to grow your network beyond this. You should have a minimum of 100 connections. If you’re in an active job search, aim for making 10-25 new connections each month. The more connections you have, the better LinkedIn will work for you.