Pro Tip: Don’t Copy Language from your Resume into LinkedIn

LinkedIn is great for networking and job search but there are certain features you want to be careful with or avoid all together. One of the ones you want to avoid is actually controlled by a setting within Microsoft Office 356, allowing language from your LinkedIn profile to be used in Microsoft Word’s Resume Assistant feature – that is, for other MS Office users to access language from your LinkedIn profile.

Resume Assistant is available to Microsoft 365 users who are Office Insiders, and allows you to see work experience examples and skills descriptions from public LinkedIn Profiles. This means that the hard work you have done to create your unique profile may show up in Resume Assistant and become parts of other jobseekers’ resumes. In other words, Resume Assistant provides content from LinkedIn users to help you develop your resume. You will not be able to identify the names of the people whose content you are seeing. Resume Assistant It will also show you potential jobs that meet your criteria.

While this might not bother you if you’re trying to create a resume, if you are job hunting and have spent time, effort, and perhaps money to develop your resume, you may not want other people stealing / using that content for free. And if the content is used often enough, your content might become boilerplate language for other resumes.

Bottom line: Be aware that LinkedIn now has a feature where your profile can be extracted into a Word document by other LinkedIn users.

Here is how to make sure this setting is turned off:

  • Go to your “Settings” section.
  • Click on “Privacy.”
  • You will see the option for “Microsoft Word.” Click on that.
  • Make sure the setting is then changed to “No.”

Further, you should never copy and paste your resume into your LinkedIn profile where that language could be copied. Let lots of people see your LinkedIn profile, but only give your resume to people you target.

8 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Develop Leads

By now, we have all heard of LinkedIn and how it can help you with your job search. If you have been following articles in this series, by now have an account and a robust profile. So what’s next? Developing leads! Here are 9 ways to use LinkedIn to help you in your job search:

Find people on LinkedIn that you know or want to know. Grow your connections list. Every time you reach out to someone to connect, create a customized connection request rather than using the default. The goal is to establish and nurture relationships that go both ways (it shouldn’t be just about you). Tell the person what it is that attracted you to them—perhaps a recent article that you liked or an award you want to congratulate them for. There are many people who do not accept connection requests from people who do not include a personalized note.

Look at jobs on LinkedIn. You can search for jobs under the “jobs” category; your search can be by key word, zip code, and more. Use advanced search to further refine your search. You can even let recruiters know that you’re interested. I even see federal government jobs posted on LinkedIn; LinkedIn is not just for the private sector anymore. Learn more at:

Once you find potential jobs, use your connections to find out more. Find 1st level connections to people you know at the company/organization you’re targeting and reach out. Ask them about the organization and the job.

Use Company Profiles on LinkedIn to research the organizations you have targeted. You will see your connections at the organization, jobs posted, and more. You can follow the company too, so it will show up in your feed. And you can use this information to help you prepare for an interview.

Look at the profiles of your interviewers on LinkedIn. If you are called for an interview, you want to be as prepared a possible. Looking at the profiles of the people you’re interesting with is a great way to get a feel for them. You might find some connections or interests you have in common; knowing this information may help calm your nerves before the big day!

Leverage referrals and recommendations. If the job is listed on LinkedIn you can request a recommendation or referral from someone who works there. Most employers are more likely to hire someone they “know” or knows someone they know, so having a recommendation or referral from someone inhouse could be a real plus.

Take advantage of LinkedIn Premium. LinkedIn offers a free trial of its premium service. Try it and see if its features work for you. Transitioning military members get free LinkedIn premium for one year. Make sure to take advantage!

Make others take notice. Establish and reinforce your credibility as an expert in your field by publishing articles on LinkedIn Pulse. You can also upload recent white papers you have written or PowerPoint presentations you have made. Be sure to get clearance from your manager first…you don’t want to get in trouble for sharing what they might see as proprietary or confidential information!

7 Things You Can Do to Finally Get Started with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is used more in the private sector but there are many federal agencies (the US Department of the Army is the largest LinkedIn user in the world) that won’t interview you for a job if they can’t find you on LinkedIn. Instant pass.

I often encounter federal employees that still haven’t heard of LinkedIn or who don’t have profiles; so whether you’re actively looking for a job or not, there is no excuse for not getting started.

Here are 7 quick things you can do to get going:

Create a profile and customize your LinkedIn URL. Here’s how: Having a custom URL is a great differentiator.

Include a photo. People want to know what you look like. Please make your photo professional. Your photo should show your face (rather than your whole body). No extra arms hanging over your shoulder or beer cans in your hand. And if you are transitioning from the military, your photo should be a civilian one—don’t forget to smile; you want to look approachable and friendly.

Put together a strong Headline. This is the line under your name. LinkedIn will provide a default headline (your job title) but this can (and should) be edited to be more representative of who you are. You can make this your branding statement or use it to target jobs you’re interested in. You can even separate thoughts or concepts by using symbols such as: ► or * or │ or ▪. Be sure to use symbols that are common across Word. You are allotted 120 characters for your LinkedIn Headline. Here’s my LinkedIn Headline as an example: Federal Human Resources Training & Job Search Expert. Here’s another: Program/Project Management ► Business Development ► Operations ► Aviation /Air Advisor ► Pilot ► Trainer.

Create a strong summary. You have 2000 characters to create a strong statement about who you are. Don’t just copy and paste your Skills Summary from your resume. Show some personality but be sure to include your qualifications and experience so that your profile will “pop up” in the algorithms. If you are transitioning military, be sure to translate your military experience into “civilian-speak”.

Populate the Experience section. Include your jobs from the last 10 or so years (going back 30 years not required or recommended). Again, this should not be a copy and paste of your resume. Show quantifiable results and use the key words from the industry you are targeting. And military transitioners: don’t forget to translate!!

Include skills on your LinkedIn; again, this is a great way to be seen in the algorithms. Only include skills that are associated with your target position(s). And make sure to capture them all. If you’re not sure what skills are appropriate, take a look your ideal job postings and identify the common words across them. Wordle may help:

Create connections. Reach out to people you know to up your connections. Show you’re an active user. And, when you connect with people, send them a personalized (not the default) connection request. Aim for 300+ connections.

We can fight the growth of social media, or we can use it to our advantage. LinkedIn a targeted toward professionals who want to find a way to stay in touch and keep up with colleagues and trends in their industry. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of this free, powerful tool?

LinkedIn Profile Checklist

How Good is Your LinkedIn Profile? If you are a do-it-yourself-er, you may want to see how your LinkedIn Profile stacks up. Check out this self-assessment worksheet for LinkedIn:

Profiles that are considered “complete” by LinkedIn’s standards receive 40 times more “opportunities” (contacts from prospective hiring managers and recruiters) than incomplete profiles, according to LinkedIn’s research. LinkedIn has its own criteria for “profile completeness.”

These are the items you need to have on your LinkedIn account in order to have a “complete” profile, according to LinkedIn:
• Your industry and location
• Up-to-date current position (with description)
• Two past positions (under “Experience”)
• Your education
• Skills (minimum of three)
• Profile photo
• A minimum of 50 Connections

A picture is worth 1,000 words. Is your LinkedIn profile photo giving the right impression?
• You have a photo on your LinkedIn profile
• The photo is appropriate for a business profile (not a glamour shot)
• Face is clearly recognizable (in focus, close up, looking at camera)
• Photo is high resolution (sharp, clear)

For your LinkedIn profile to help you reach your personal and professional goals, you must be able to communicate what makes you exceptional and compelling — this is your personal positioning, or “brand.”

Ensure that:
• Information in your LinkedIn profile is concise yet comprehensive and provides a good representation of your career and qualifications
• Keywords relevant to your job target are woven throughout your LinkedIn profile (helping increase your ability to be found online)
• This profile answers this question: “Would I want to hire someone with this profile?”
• The profile is attention-getting and persuasive

Do you make these mistakes with your LinkedIn profile?
• Profile is focused on a single job target. 
(Mistake: An unfocused profile tries to be “all things to all people”)

• Profile is written from the correct point of view. 
(Mistake: An informal profile written in third-person, or a formal profile written from the first person point of view – most LinkedIn profiles should be written in first person.)

• You use all the content sections available to you 
(Mistake: Not including information in all relevant sections 
— i.e., Honors & Awards, Languages, Certifications, Courses, Patents, Projects, Publications, etc.)

• Your Profile includes several positive Recommendations 
(Mistake: Not asking for Recommendations; not having enough Recommendations on your profile)

What are your dominant personality traits? Career assessment tools, Part 3 of 4

Career assessments come in free and paid models. There are many fee-based assessments that a qualified career counselor can administer, score, and interpret, as well as many free career assessments available on the Internet. You may find it helpful to take more than one assessment to help you determine which evaluation provides the most reliable and useful results for you. If you find that the same career options are being suggested by more than one assessment, it’s worth exploring in greater detail.

Here are some additional personality-driven career assessments. You may want to consult with a certified career counselor for additional assistance.

NoteOnline assessments vary considerably in terms of interactivity, what they measure, what kind of results they provide. Many assessments offered on the Internet lack evidence for validity and reliability.

John Holland made it his life’s work to look at people and work environments. In 1985, he developed a classification system of personalities and work environments.

According to Holland, in our culture, most people fall into one of six personality types:

  • Realistic
  • Investigative
  • Artistic
  • Social
  • Enterprising
  • Conventional

Each personality type has a parallel work environment. People of the same personality type working together create a work environment that fits their type. People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied. Holland created a hexagon model that shows the relationship between the personality types and environments. Assessments developed around the Holland theory link vocational interests to job families.

For most people, two or three styles are stronger than the others. Like people, careers often reflect a combination of two or three of these areas. When you complete an assessment developed around Holland’s theory, you are presented with a three-letter RIASEC — or Holland Code — that represents the three personality types that best describe your work personality. There is also a list of related careers and fields of study that correspond with your code.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS)
Also developed around the Holland theory, the KTS is a self-assessed personality questionnaire designed to help people better understand themselves and others. One of the most widely used personality assessments in the world, the KTS links human behavioral patterns to 4 temperaments and 16 character types.

Keirsey’s four temperaments are referred to as Artisans, Guardians, Rationals, and Idealists. These four temperaments can be further subdivided, often referred to as “Character Types.” The assessment consists of 70 questions, with two choices for each question. Once the assessment is scored and your personality type is revealed, there are detailed profiles which describe the characteristics of that type.

You can take the KTS for free online and receive a free temperament report. You can also purchase the Career Temperament Report that provides suggested career matches, tips on communication/interpersonal skills, and insight on navigating the job market based on your personality type.

Myers Briggs
One of the world’s most popular personality tools, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment uses a multiple-choice questionnaire to identify your preferred way of doing things.

Similar to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, your natural preferences sort into one of 16 distinct patterns of behavior — called personality types — that are framed around how you:

  1. direct and receive energy,
  2. take in information,
  3. make decisions, and
  4. approach the outside world.

These personality types are represented by specific letters.

These designations are:

  • Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I): Your preference indicates whether you tend to focus on and draw energy from people and activity “outside yourself” (E) or your own inner world of thought and reflection (I).
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): Your preference indicates whether you tend to focus on information that’s real and tangible (S) or to take in the big picture and the connections between facts (N).
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): Your preference indicates whether you tend to make decisions through logical analysis (T) or by considering what is important to you and to other people involved (F).
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): Your preference indicates whether you generally like to live your life in a planned, orderly way (J) or in a flexible, spontaneous way (P).

The underlying assumption of the MBTI is that we all have specific preferences in the way we view our life experiences, and these preferences underlie our interests, needs, values, and motivation. Knowing your Myers-Briggs personality type gives you a better idea of what makes you tick and how this translates into all aspects of your life — including your career.

Hundreds of independent studies have established the MTBI’s validity and its reliability has been proven statistically.

You can take the Myers-Briggs assessment online, receive a report, and access an MBTI tool that will provide you with actionable tips and articles for your personality type.

What’s your behavior “style”? Career assessment tools can help you figure out your next move, Part 2 of 4

Personality-driven career assessments can help you plot your next career move, but exercise caution with them and don’t take anything at face value: they’re merely assistive tools, not prescriptive ones.

Here are some additional personality-driven career assessments. You may want to consult with a certified career counselor for additional assistance.

Carolyn Kalil’s Personality Assessment (True Colors) is a personality system that is modeled as a graphical presentation of both Keirsey’s Temperament Sorter and the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. True Colors differentiates the four personality types as Gold, Blue, Green, and Orange.

This free assessment asks you to choose one of two ways to finish 36 statements. When finished, you will be provided with web-based results in terms of four colors, with one-paragraph descriptions of each. The results can help you define your skills and talents — and possibly direct you to various career paths.

DISC is a needs-motivated, observable behavioral profiling system which measures the energy put into approaching problems and challenges, influencing and coping with people, steadying and facing the environment, and complying and justifying rules and details. DISC measures our underlying emotions, needs, fears, and the primary concerns that drive behavior.

This assessment breaks down four core behavior styles, each represented by a letter:

  • Dominance: The “D” style places emphasis on accomplishing results.
  • Influence: The “I” style places emphasis on influencing or persuading others.
  • Steadiness: The “S” style places emphasis on cooperation.
  • Conscientiousness: The “C” style places emphasis on quality and accuracy.

This assessment contains 28 groups of four words or statements. Through self-selection, you choose words that are most like you and words that are least like you, and through those responses, the report reveals your behavioral style and communication preferences. Not only does it describe the real (natural) you, it also identifies your style and preferences as you display them according to your perception of the demands of your environment (your adapted style).

One of the most widely-used assessments by professionals in the career services industry, the DISC Career Management Report provides value to jobseekers who are starting their careers, returning to the workforce, or in transition and unsure about the best career path.

Research conducted by Gallup, Inc. revealed that people are more productive, perform better, and are more engaged when they identify their natural talents and develop them into strengths.

The assessment measures your “talent DNA” based on the order of 34 themes of talent, which are sorted into four domains:

  • Strategic Thinking: How you absorb, think about, and analyze information and situations.
  • Executing: How you make things happen.
  • Influencing: How you influence others.
  • Relationship Building: How you build and nurture strong relationships.

Your distinct combination of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes is your personal code — the pattern of talents that make you unique. In fact, Gallup’s research has proven that the odds are 1 in 33 million that someone shares the same “top five” combination of themes as you!

This online assessment, which takes about an hour to complete, asks you to choose from 177 paired statements the one that best describes you. When you complete the CliftonStrengths, you will receive a personalized report, resources, and tools.

Our final article will discuss interest, rather than personality-based assessments.