Rules of the Road for Good Virtual Meeting Behavior

Many of us are spending hours on virtual meetings. And some of the behaviors witnessed during those virtual events are laughable—and do nothing for our professional credibility. Whether it is hearing toilet flushing during meetings or simply hearing dogs bark or children (or partners!) scream, a few common sense rules for good behavior are worth remembering:

  1. Wear clothes This includes bottoms as well as tops. Being dressed is not just good for our moods, it shows respect for others. Don’t forget your personal grooming as well. We all need haircuts but that’s no reason to look like you just got out of bed; you can brush your hair—or at least tie it back!
  2. Identify yourself when you sign-on. Everyone can hear the “ping;” be sure to say your name when you sign on or put your name in the chat box.
  3. Don’t eat while you’re on a meeting. If you wouldn’t eat during a meeting in the office, you shouldn’t eat during a virtual meeting either. And the noise that eating can generate may cause the camera to switch to you. Having a bottle of water or coffee is fine. Again, treat your virtual meeting like one you would hold in your office.
  4. Look behind you; no one wants to see your unmade bed, your bathroom, or 30 year band posters.
  5. Minimize distractions from pets, partners, and children. This is often easier said than done. And of course, some workplaces and work meetings are more formal than others. Be cognizant of who is on the call and the purpose of the meeting.
  6. Learn how to use the mute button! Mute yourself if you are not talking. That will not only help with call quality but also eliminate background noise. If you’re typing during the meeting, without the mute button, you’ll be heard. Many organizations want participation through the chat feature (or by “raising your hand” first). The leader of the meeting should make expectations clear at the beginning of the meeting. If they don’t, you may want to ask.
  7. Remember that communication is not instantaneous. Most virtual systems have a slight delay before someone can be heard. Or someone may be trying to unmute themselves. Take that into account and try not to interrupt while others are speaking.
  8. Be on time and pay attention. It is disrespectful to be late for virtual meetings. Make eye contact – with the camera, not the screen. And if your mind starts to wander, or you start to multitask, it will be clear to everyone watching.

Being able to work remotely is an advantage but they are not an excuse to ignore common courtesies. Be respectful of your colleagues’ time and professionalism. Following these simple rules will help ensure that we can continue to leverage their advantages going forward.

What’s your behavior “style”? Career assessment tools can help you figure out your next move, Part 2 of 4

Personality-driven career assessments can help you plot your next career move, but exercise caution with them and don’t take anything at face value: they’re merely assistive tools, not prescriptive ones.

Here are some additional personality-driven career assessments. You may want to consult with a certified career counselor for additional assistance.

Carolyn Kalil’s Personality Assessment (True Colors) is a personality system that is modeled as a graphical presentation of both Keirsey’s Temperament Sorter and the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. True Colors differentiates the four personality types as Gold, Blue, Green, and Orange.

This free assessment asks you to choose one of two ways to finish 36 statements. When finished, you will be provided with web-based results in terms of four colors, with one-paragraph descriptions of each. The results can help you define your skills and talents — and possibly direct you to various career paths.

DISC is a needs-motivated, observable behavioral profiling system which measures the energy put into approaching problems and challenges, influencing and coping with people, steadying and facing the environment, and complying and justifying rules and details. DISC measures our underlying emotions, needs, fears, and the primary concerns that drive behavior.

This assessment breaks down four core behavior styles, each represented by a letter:

  • Dominance: The “D” style places emphasis on accomplishing results.
  • Influence: The “I” style places emphasis on influencing or persuading others.
  • Steadiness: The “S” style places emphasis on cooperation.
  • Conscientiousness: The “C” style places emphasis on quality and accuracy.

This assessment contains 28 groups of four words or statements. Through self-selection, you choose words that are most like you and words that are least like you, and through those responses, the report reveals your behavioral style and communication preferences. Not only does it describe the real (natural) you, it also identifies your style and preferences as you display them according to your perception of the demands of your environment (your adapted style).

One of the most widely-used assessments by professionals in the career services industry, the DISC Career Management Report provides value to jobseekers who are starting their careers, returning to the workforce, or in transition and unsure about the best career path.

Research conducted by Gallup, Inc. revealed that people are more productive, perform better, and are more engaged when they identify their natural talents and develop them into strengths.

The assessment measures your “talent DNA” based on the order of 34 themes of talent, which are sorted into four domains:

  • Strategic Thinking: How you absorb, think about, and analyze information and situations.
  • Executing: How you make things happen.
  • Influencing: How you influence others.
  • Relationship Building: How you build and nurture strong relationships.

Your distinct combination of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes is your personal code — the pattern of talents that make you unique. In fact, Gallup’s research has proven that the odds are 1 in 33 million that someone shares the same “top five” combination of themes as you!

This online assessment, which takes about an hour to complete, asks you to choose from 177 paired statements the one that best describes you. When you complete the CliftonStrengths, you will receive a personalized report, resources, and tools.

Our final article will discuss interest, rather than personality-based assessments.