Thinking About Changing Careers?

Changing careers is a major undertaking; it takes time and effort. You’ll need to assess yourself and your skills and think about how your existing skills might transition to a new career. You’ll also need to spend time researching your new career; this includes traditional research to learn about your new field, as well as networking with people who are already in it. You may also need to go back to school to learn new skills. And finally, you need to recognize that you may not be able to shift to a new career and retain your current salary (especially if you’ve been working in your industry for a long time).

If you’re still game, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you want to pursue a new job, or a new career?
  • Why do you want to make a change?
  • What do you LIKE about your current job/career?
  • What do you DO NOT LIKE about your current job/career?
  • What do you want your next job to do for you that your current job doesn’t. In other words, what will be different about your next job.
  • What is your dream job. What are the kinds of things you’d be doing each day if you were working in your dream job?
  • What are you most proud of in your past work experience? How does that translate into a new career?
  • How much do you need to make in your next job/career (each year)? How much do you want to make in your next job/career?
  • What tools do you need to move forward? More training / education? Updated resume? Updated LinkedIn profile?
  • Who can you work with to support you during your job search? Champions? People who might have ideas about your desired new role?
  • What 10 organizations would you like to work for, whether or not they have current openings?

These questions, of course, are just a start. Be prepared for the transition to take time and expect setbacks along the way. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you; yes, you CAN change careers as long as you’re willing to be realistic, put the in the hard work, and get started. Assessing yourself and where you want to go is the first step. Good luck!

5 Steps to Improving Your Life at Work

There are 5 simple steps each of us can take to get what we want and need at work. Now I will not promise these steps will not necessarily guarantee that promotion or raise (or new boss) you’re dreaming about but they can help you ask for what you want and need, and move closer to meeting your goals.

Step 1: Plan and prepare. What exactly do you want? Is it realistic? Before you can ask for anything, you need to be able to define what it is you are looking for. A vague, “I want to be busier,” or “I want more interesting work,” is not enough. Define what those things mean to you. And write it down so you won’t forget. Once you define what it is you want, you then need to figure out who can help you get it. Just talking to your colleague in hopes that she will pass it on to someone in a position to actually help you, is not the answer.

Step 2: Keep your eyes open. Once you have defined what you want and who might be able to help you, make sure that your timing is right. Don’t make your “ask” the day a major project is due, the day your supervisor returns from vacation, or when it is clear that your boss is having a bad day.

Step 3: WIIFM. What’s in it for me (WIIFM)—or in this case, the person who can help you? As you prepare for your “ask,” think about how helping you will help the other person. Make your ask a “win-win.”

Step 4: Make your ask. Once you are fully prepared and have followed the first 3 steps, make your ask. Don’t wait to be noticed. Your ask should be polite, professional, and clear — ask for exactly what you want; don’t expect the person you’re asking to “get it.” It is critical to be clear.  Have your “business case” ready and be sure to include how meeting your needs helps the person you’re asking!

Step 5: Don’t stop with your ask. If the person agrees right away, good for you!! Be sure to say thank you. If the person asks to think about it, thank them for their consideration and ask if you may follow up in a week or so. And if they say no, again, thank them for their time and ask them if there are specific steps you can take to move closer to your goal. And take care to not “burn your bridges” or sulk if you do not get what you want. You may get it next time.

While these strategies are not foolproof, they will maximize your opportunities to get what you need to move your career forward. And what better time to be planning to that next phase of your career than the end of the year!