New Year, New Job

A new year is a great time to assess where you’re at professionally. Is it time for you to make a job change? Or a career change? Here are concrete actions you can take over the next month to assess your situation and begin to move forward.

During this 21-day period, you’ll take consistent action in 5 different areas:

  • Where Are You Now?
  • Where Are You Going?
  • What Sets You Apart?
  • What’s Your Plan?
  • Let’s Do This!

For best results, enlist an accountability partner to help you complete the actions. Ideally, it will be someone who is looking to make a job or career change too, so you can keep each other accountable and on track. For best results, check in with each other daily.

Sample New Year, New Job Challenge Planner

  Day 1  Find the most recent version of my résumé and current job description.  
  Day 2  Brainstorm a list of what I need to add to my résumé (work experience, accomplishments, education, training, etc.)  
  Day 3  Spend 30 minutes considering whether I want a new job or a new career. Make a pros/cons list.  
  Day 4  Take the Clifton StrengthsFinder skills assessment.
  Day 5  Spend 30 minutes pulling together information for my brag book.
  Day 6  Brainstorm 10 possible job titles for the position I want.  
  Day 7  Create my “Dream Job” job description.  
  Day 8  Conduct a review of my skills, experience, and qualifications compared to my “Dream Job” job description.  
  Day 9  Spend 15 minutes answering these questions: What am I meant to do? How can I use my skills, education, and experience for maximum benefit? What kinds of problems can I solve for an organization?  
  Day 10  Outline five C-A-R accomplishments that I can add to my résumé and/or use in a job interview
  Day 11  Write up a list of honors and awards I’ve received.  
  Day 12  Research my target job salary.  
  Day 13  Think about how I got my last job and figure out if I can try that again.  
  Day 14  Make a list of the skills, training, and education I need for my next job. Research how to obtain one of these.  
  Day 15  Line up an accountability partner to help support me in my job search.  
  Day 16  Make a list of 10 organizations I’d like to work for.  
  Day 17  Make a list of everyone I know in my network.  
  Day 18  Spend 30 minutes researching prospective employers.
  Day 19  Reach out to one person in my network and let them know I’m looking for a new opportunity.  
  Day 20  Research 3 recruiters I’d like to work with and send them a LinkedIn connection request.  
  Day 21  Reach out to someone who works for the organization I want to work for. Ask them if they will meet me for lunch this weekend.  
Completing the 21-Day Challenge

At the end of the 21 days, review your progress. Do you have any leads on unadvertised openings? Any interviews or job offers yet? If not, don’t worry. The majority of this 21-day challenge is focused on preparing yourself for the job search, not conducting the job search.

Fact or Myth? What Do You Know About the Modern Job Search?

MYTH: Job postings represent real jobs. Job postings on USAJOBS do not always represent a specific opening. It is critical to read the fine print; you can recognize such jobs when you see language such as: This Public Notice will serve as a resume repository – positions may or may not be filled from this announcement. This is also true of private sector job postings. According to ResumeBuilder, 40% of companies admit to posting fake jobs on job boards in 2024.

MYTH: USAJOBS is an Applicant Tracking Software. USAJOBS is not an ATS; it is a system to collect applications for positions and then forward those applications to the hiring Human Resources office. Real Human Resources personnel read the resumes of qualified applicants.

MYTH: If I know I can do a job, I should apply. You should read the job qualifications; if you don’t have what they’re looking for in terms of skills, education, or number of years of experience, just “knowing” you can do the job is generally not enough. You’ll be competing against people who have all of the qualifications.

MYTH: My resume should reflect everything I have ever done. Most resumes these days only go back 10 years or so. I promise that no one cares what you did in the 1970’s or 80’s. And think about it, who would you rather hire? Someone who is doing it now or someone who hasn’t done in 20 or 30 years?

MYTH: Getting a job is quick. While it is possible to get the first job you apply for, it isn’t that likely. The ease of online applying means that hundreds if not thousands of applications are received for every posting.

MYTH: I can talk my way into a remote job, even if the posting says otherwise. Federal postings clearly articulate whether a job is remote or not; if it’s not listed as remote, do not count on being able to talk the hiring manager into making the job remote just for you (absent a reasonable accommodation). The private sector side has more flexibility but if the posting is specific about how many days per week you are expected to be in an office, believer them. At least until after you have proven yourself.

MYTH: I only need one resume. At a minimum, your resume needs to be tweaked for key words with each application. There is no such thing as a standardized generic resume anymore.

MYTH (sometimes): I need a cover letter. If you’re applying for a federal job and the posting does not require a cover letter, I recommend not providing one. If you’re targeting the private sector then yes, it is considered customary to include one. If you do write a cover letter it needs to be targeted toward the job you’re applying for, use key words, and clearly articulate your qualifications vis-a-vis the job.

These are just a few of the myths that exist about job search. What would you add?

It’s That Time Of Year Again!

September means that school is starting, along with the fall season. September is also Update Your Resume Month!

Since most careers require a resume in order to gain employment, it’s important that job seekers take a proactive approach in order to be ready for any and all opportunities that come their way. Too often, people try to write their resume at the last minute, which is the worst time to prepare a document that needs to be perfect. A well-crafted resume takes time and research, and Update Your Resume Month is a perfect reminder to be prepared for new opportunities

To update your resume, consider the following:

  • What have you accomplished for your employer? Have you improved efficiency (and if so, by how much?) Complete more than xx number of transactions in a specified timeframe? Have you saved your organization money (and if so, how much)? Etc. If you have written an annual self-assessment or accomplishment report as part of your annual performance evaluation, review that to help you get started.
  • Have you completed a new degree or certification? Or learned new skills?
  • Is your current resume focused on the past 10 years (I promise no one cares what you did in 1980).
  • Have you had a new job since you last updated your resume?
  • Is your resume keyword-rich for the position(s) you’d like to target?
  • Did you check that the dates and titles on your resume are consistent with what you have on LinkedIn?
  • Are acronyms spelled out?
  • Is your resume visually appealing? Readable (font is not too small and neither are your margins)?
  • Do you have both a federal and private sector resume? You never know what opportunities will become available and it’s best to be prepared!

September is the perfect time to think back on the past year of your career and achievements—and get ready for the future. This will you be prepared to maximize your opportunities and take the next step in your career.

To celebrate this time of year, don’t miss out on the opportunity to invest in your professional growth and secure your path to federal job success by using code BACKTOSCHOOL for 10% off our self-paced online training courses by September 30, 2024!

Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Hardly anyone likes to write a resume. One thing to think about is what to include—and what to leave out. Let’s look at both:

What should I include in a federal resume?

Federal jobs often require that you have experience in a particular type of work for a certain period of time. You must show how your skills and experiences meet the qualifications and requirements listed in the job announcement to be considered for the job.

  • Include important contact information. Don’t forget to add current contact information. Most job applications require this information:
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone number

Read the job opportunity carefully to make sure you have included all required contact information.

  • Include dates, hours, level of experience and examples for each work experience. For each work experience you list, make sure you include:
  • Start and end dates (including the month and year—some agencies require the days too!).
  • The number of hours you worked per week.
  • The level and amount of experience—for instance, whether you served as a project manager or a team member helps to illustrate your level of experience.
  • Examples of relevant experiences and accomplishments that prove you can perform the tasks at the level required for the job as stated in the job announcement. Your experience needs to address every required qualification.
  • Include volunteer work and roles in community organizations. Don’t limit yourself to only including paid work experience. Include relevant volunteer work or community organizations roles that demonstrate your ability to do the job.

What should I leave out of my federal resume?

Do not include the following types of information in your profile or resume:

  • Classified or government sensitive information
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Photos of yourself
  • Personal information, such as age, gender, religious affiliation, etc.
  • Encrypted and digitally signed documents

Following the rules for federal applications—all of which are clearly outlined in every job announcement—will help your resume receive the attention it deserves!

Need to Write a Bio?

If you’ve been asked to write a bio, you may be wondering if you can just use your resume and be done. The answer to that is, “no.” A bio and a resume have two different purposes and formats; a bio provides a narrative summary of your professional journey, accomplishments, and a bit of personal information; it serves as an introduction. A resume on the other hand is a highly structured document that communicates your experience, skills, education, and accomplishments; its purpose is to demonstrate your qualifications for a particular position.

Now that you have an understanding of the differences between a bio and a resume, why might you need a bio?

  • To Serve as an Introduction: It introduces you to the audience, helping them get to know you.
  • Establish Credibility: A well-written bio highlights your qualifications, expertise, and achievements, establishing your credibility in your field.
  • Networking: It aids in building professional connections and relationships, as others can understand your background and interests.
  • Personal Branding: A bio can help shape and communicate a personal brand and present your unique qualities and values.
  • Career Advancement: It can contribute to career growth by showcasing accomplishments and expertise, which may lead to new opportunities.
  • Online Presence: In this age of social media, bios, especially on LI (called the About section) are essential and allows you to manage your online presence.

There are different kinds of bios: work bios for your organization’s website, bios for speeches and presentations; and your LinkedIn bio. Each has a different approach, length, and point of view. When sitting down to prepare your bio, you should think about 3 things:

  • The purpose of the bio
  • Your audience
  • What makes you unique

If you’re writing a bio for your organization’s website or something similar, you’ll want to check to see what requirements they have for format, length, and content. Your work bio is typically written in third person and often includes a professional headshot.

Almost all employers and individual hiring managers are using LinkedIn. If you don’t have a bio on LI (under the “About” section). For your LI bio, you can consider using the WHO / WHAT / GOALS structure. Outline:

  • WHO you are
    • WHAT you have to offer (what is unique about you /  your experience
    • What are your GOALS for your career

Your LI bio is typically written in first person and “friendlier” in tone than a formal work bio. And a professional picture (headshot) is critical.

Wherever you are in your career, a bio is a common career document and it is important to do it right.

Check out our Resources for bundles, e-books, courses and more to help you on your career journey!

Fall Is Here, School Is Back In Session, AND It’s Update Your Resume Month!

Many of us think about September as the beginning of a new year—new fiscal year, new school year—and the definite end of summer. In this spirit, September has been designated “Update Your Resume Month,” you can get in the spirit by updating yours!

Need help getting started? Here are 7 easy things to do:

  1. Assess your existing resume; is your current job included? Is there still content from the 1990’s or early 2000’s? You can remove jobs that are from more than 10 years ago—at the very least, you can minimize them and create a new category called Earlier Professional Experience (or something similar).
  2. Does your resume include recent accomplishments? Those of your who are federal employees, probably had your performance review recently (or coming up shortly). Be sure to include this year’s accomplishments on your resume. And remember, all accomplishments should demonstrate the “so what.” It’s not enough to say you did “x”—you need to show how “x” added value / made a difference.
  3. Did you earn a new degree? New certifications? If so, be sure to add.
  4. Have your contributions been formally recognized? Don’t forget to update your resume for awards—especially those awarded by entities outside your organization.
  5. Has the scope of your work changed?. Do you have more or fewer employees? A larger or smaller budget? Is your area of responsibility different? Numbers help give your work context.
  6. Assess your Summary; is it sufficiently focused? Include key words? If your summary does not accurately represent you and what you’re targeting, fix it.
  7. Review your resume to ensure there are no typos. Even better, have someone else review it for typos; sometimes it’s easier for others to proofread your document.

The above steps can likely be completed in less than an hour—your career is worth it! If you keep your resume updated, you’ll be ready—and not panicked—when the perfect opportunity comes along.

To celebrate this time of year, don’t miss out on the opportunity to invest in your professional growth and secure your path to federal job success by using code BACKTOSCHOOL for 10% off our self-paced online training courses on Teachable by September 30, 2023!