Ready To Quit? Consider These Things First

Many of us fantasize about quitting our jobs—usually in a moment of pique or fear. Over the last several weeks, many federal employees I have spoken with are seriously considering their options. Before quitting impulsively, consider the following:

  • Do you have a real plan? Have you mapped out your job search strategy? Have you assessed exactly what you’re looking for in your next job? Are you willing to move if necessary? Go into an office fulltime? Before you start to look for your next position, decide what is most important to you so you have clear parameters for your search.
  • Do you have another job lined up? If not, how quickly (realistically) do you think you can land another job? Can you afford to be unemployed? If so, for how long? Do you have high monthly payments? Have you created a budget?
  • Are your salary expectations for your next role realistic? No hiring manager cares what you “need” to make…they’re only interested in what they think the job (and you) are worth. If you work in a niche industry (such as astrophysicist) or high demand occupation (like cybersecurity), you’re more likely to be able to negotiate a high salary.
  • Is your resume updated and your LinkedIn robust? These are critical tools in every job seeker’s toolbox.
  • Have you removed your personal documents, emails, and contact information from work systems? If not, this is something you want to do before announcing your resignation. And of course, you’ll need to follow your organization’s rules regarding what documents belong to the organization.
  • Determine if there are ethics / conflict of interest rules which need to be followed as you search for your next role? Make sure you understand any restrictions on your search before getting started.
  • Review your medical and other benefits. How will you cover your health insurance if you are unemployed? Yes, you will likely be eligible for COBRA but do know that premiums may be much higher than what you ar used to. Have you taken a loan against your 401 (k) or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)? How will you repay it? What are your options to rollover your 401 (k)?
  • Is this the right time to leave? Have you appropriately considered your options? What do you have to lose /gain by leaving? Would some time off help you gain some perspective?

Whatever you decide, make sure that your decision is well considered and if you do decide to leave, do so with grace and professionalism.

Wondering Why Your Career Has Stalled?

There are lots of reasons your career has stalled—and many of them have nothing to do with your supervisor. If you find your career to be stuck, you need to take a hard look at how you might be contributing to the situation.

Here are some of the most common reasons things are not going as well as you had hoped.

You don’t take the initiativeYou fulfill only your job requirements
The position you want doesn’t existYou only want a paycheck—and it’s clear
You have an entitlement mentalityYou are unorganized / procrastinate
Your job skills are outdatedYour personal issues affect your performance
You lack interpersonal skillsYou don’t follow through
You don’t implement suggestionsYou don’t express interest in development
You lack professionalismYou have “issues” with key personnel
Of course, there are other possibilities as well but if one (or more) of the above reasons resonate with you, consider making a commitment to getting your career back on track. You can make a plan by documenting the following—and following through:

Feedback Received:    

What Needs to Work:    

My solution to fix this is:    

I can demonstrate improvement by:    

While I cannot guarantee that this will work, at a very minimum it will allow you to know that you did everything you could before you decide to move on to another employer.

If you’re considering a career change check out our free Career Change Self-Assessment Worksheet and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with updating your resume, interview prep, or more!

How To Turn Down A Job Offer (Without Burning Bridges)

You’ve decided that the job offered isn’t the right one for you — so how do you turn down the job offer gracefully? Just because you were offered the job doesn’t mean you have to accept it.

The first step is to decide how you’re going to communicate that you’re declining the job offer. If you had a good rapport with the hiring manager, and the hiring manager is who made the job offer, it makes sense to reach out to him or her directly using the phone. Don’t put off telling them no if you have decided you’re not going to accept the job.

If the offer was extended through a human resources representative, you may decide to let the HR rep know you’re declining the offer, again by phone, and then follow up with the hiring manager as well.

You want to communicate three key points:

  • You are grateful for the job offer
  • You’re declining the offer
  • You appreciate their time and consideration of you as a candidate

The most important is the second point — it should be clear that you’re turning down the job offer. You don’t have to provide a reason for doing so, but it’s likely you’ll be asked, so be ready.

Here is one possible answer: “After thinking it over, I just don’t think now is the right time for me to make a move,” or “After getting a better understanding of the role, I’ve come to realize this role isn’t the right fit for me.” Don’t provide criticism of the job or the organization when providing your reason for declining the job offer.

Don’t lie. It can be easy to say, “I’ve decided to accept a different job offer,” but if that’s not the case, it may come back to bite you. It’s fine to say you’ve decided to stay at your current job, but don’t make up another job offer as a way to decline this one.

The most important thing is to be clear that you’ve made your decision. If you’ve decided that you aren’t accepting the position, don’t be persuaded in the conversation you’re having to decline the job offer to accept it. (Especially if you are offered more money after previously being turned down for a salary increase when you made a counteroffer.)

If you’d like to be considered for other jobs at the organization in the future, make sure that you emphasize that you appreciate learning more about the organization but that this specific role wasn’t the right fit. It’s no guarantee that you will be considered for other roles in the future, but you’re trying not to burn the bridge. In fact, you can express interest in staying in touch with the hiring manager in the hopes that you’ll be considered for future opportunities.

Declining a job offer can be difficult. However, turning down a role that you ultimately wouldn’t be happy in is important. But it’s better for you — and the organization — that you decline the position so they can find someone who is a better fit.

New Year, New Opportunities?

For many of us, the new year represents an opportunity to reflect and make a plan for moving forward. This is a useful exercise whether or not you’re satisfied with your current job / career.

Here are some questions and ideas to help you take advantage of the new year!

  • Think about what you learned and achieved in 2023…what new opportunities did you have? What new training or certifications did you receive? What new skills? List your 5 most significant accomplishments
  • Determine your goals for 2024…Are you looking for a promotion? A new job altogether? A new career? Create a written plan on how you can get there. Putting things in writing will help you hold yourself accountable. What do you need to do to prepare yourself to achieve your goal? Are there specific classes? Work experiences? New technologies? Specific people you need to reach out to? Put it in writing and give yourself a timeframe to accomplish what is needed.
  • Is your resume ready to go? If your resume hasn’t been updated in at least 6 months, add this to your to do list. Make sure your resume is full of accomplishments and numbers—as well as key words for your next job.
  • Review your performance expectations with your boss. Make sure you understand what is expected and how expectations may have changed over 2023.
  • Do you have a system to keep track of your accomplishments and numbers? There is probably nothing more important for your career than taking charge of it. One great way to do that is to track your accomplishments and numbers. You can do it electronically or use a paper file. Note that electronic files on your employer’s computer belong to your employer, not you. So however you decide to track this information, use a personal device or file.
  • How is your network? Do you have a coach or a mentor? If not, consider taking steps to find one. Are you in regular contact with people outside your workgroup? Is your LinkedIn current—and active? Are there people you know who can help take your career to the next level? Are you in touch?

These are just some ideas to help you start 2024 on the right track!

Stay connected by joining our network on LinkedIn for additional tips, resources, and more!

Performance Review Not As Strong As You Had Hoped? Now What?

No one wants to receive a poor performance review. But how you respond is important. While you can respond in writing or file a grievance (if you work for the federal government), you may want to consider having a conversation with your boss first. Here is a potential script you can use:


Before approaching your supervisor, you’ll want to prepare. First, take some time and decide what you want to do. Reflect on whether the review was unfair or incorrect, whether it was the first time you received such a review, and whether you are clear on what is expected.

  • If you believe the review was inaccurate, do you have documentation to back up your assertion?
  • If you believe that expectations were not clear, you’ll want to be sure you understand your performance standards.
  • The goal is to assess your performance to get you “back on track.”

Make the Ask:

[Boss name], I’ve been thinking a lot since my review last week, and I’d like to sit down with you to discuss specific aspects of my performance review now that I’ve had a chance to reflect on it.

How It Might Sound:

You: [Boss name], I was kind of shocked by your rating of my performance in last week’s review. Now that I’ve had a chance to think about it some more, I’d like to meet with you to discuss some specific aspects of it. Could we set up a time in the next week to do that?

In the Meeting Itself:

Again, be prepared for the meeting. Make sure you review your performance expectations and you personal documentation of your performance. Plan out what you want to say. Be open-minded; the goal is not to win an argument but to better understand expectations and what you might need to do to meet them.

How It Might Sound:

You: I was pretty defensive in the meeting because I thought I’d been doing a great job. But after looking more closely at the review, I can see there are some things that I need to work on. So that I can improve my performance, I’d like to meet with you monthly — or quarterly at least — so that I can improve my performance for next year’s review. Is that possible?

Boss: We could definitely do check-in meetings at least every other month to make sure you’re on track. But I’ve been pretty clear about our expectations for the areas that you were scored low on, so I’m curious as to the changes you’re going to be making to improve in those areas.

You: Yes, that’s one of the things that I want to talk about in our meetings. While I agree that there are expectations laid out for customer service interactions, for example, there are some things that are ambiguous, and also, you hadn’t said anything to me before about needing to document follow-up interactions, so I was surprised to see that noted on the review. I’m committed to improving my performance, but I want to make sure I’m on the right track.

Boss: Well, I’m happy to discuss some of the specifics, and to clarify anything that you feel is ambiguous. While it’s always been in the customer service guidelines to document follow-up interactions, this is a point of emphasis for management this year, so that’s why it’s noted in the review. But that’s the kind of thing that we can work on throughout the year so it’s not a surprise for you on the annual review. You’re a valued employee, and I am happy to work with you on these issues.

Obviously, not all interactions will be positive but as an employee, you want to do your best to have a win-win outcome.

How To Apply For Senior Executive Service (SES) Positions

Like almost all positions in the federal government, positions in the Senior Executive Service (SES) are required to be posted on USAJOBS. The minimum posting time is 14 days, although many SES positions run longer. No big surprise here. But did you know that not all SES postings require that you submit Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) as part of your SES application?

Agencies have 3 methods they can use to post SES positions: traditional, resume-based, and accomplishment record. There are a few other nuances related to SES applications as well. When you’re thinking about applying for a SES position, the first thing you want to do is carefully review the posting to see which method is being used. Here’s a quick summary of the different SES application methods:

  • Traditional Method. When most people think about applying for a SES position, they are thinking about the traditional method. This involves a SES resume, a full set of Executive Core Qualifications (10 pages, prepared consistent with Office of Personnel Management guidance), and Technical Qualifications (TQs) (also known as Professional Technical Qualifications or Mandatory Technical Qualifications). SES applications that are posted using the traditional method can easily run 20 pages (10 pages for ECQs, a 5 page resume, and typically 4-6 pages for TQs, depending on the number of TQs and their length). This represents the vast majority of SES postings.
  • Resume-based Method. Under this approach, applicants only submit a resume (typically 5 pages but check the posting to be sure). Resumes must include evidence of the candidate’s possession of the ECQs and any TQs listed in the announcement. Some agencies using this method require separate TQs to be submitted with the resume. If a candidate is selected by the agency, they then need to prepare ECQs for submission to OPM before they can be appointed to the SES. Some Departments and agencies use the resume method exclusively for their SES postings while others use a mix of traditional and resume based.
  • Accomplishment Record Method. This approach is also more streamlined than the traditional method. In this method, applicants submit a resume and short narratives addressing selected competencies (e.g., strategic thinking) underlying one or more ECQs and any technical qualifications. Narratives addressing the competencies are normally limited to one page or less per competency. I generally do not see this approach used that often but it is the approach the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been using for its SES Candidate Development Program (CDP) application for the last several years.
  • Excepted Service SES-equivalent positions. There are a number of excepted service agencies. SES equivalent level postings in these agencies (FAA, the financial regulatory agencies such as the SEC and OCC, DEA, and more) generally do not require ECQs and if they do, those ECQs are not submitted to OPM for approval.
  • Certain Department of Defense (DoD) SES positions. Under the NDAA of 2019, the DoD was provided authority to eliminate the requirement for certification of ECQs by the Office of Personnel Management for initial SES appointments in DoD. DoD may appoint no more than 50 individuals in any calendar year using this authority. People selected under this authority cannot be selected for other SES positions that do not fall under this authority without approval of their ECQs by OPM.

There are other SES application options as well. Before deciding to apply for a SES position, be sure to read the posting carefully to ensure you understand the application process itself.

Interested in learning more about the SES? Check out our self-paced online training course Preparing a Senior Executive Service Package!