New Year, New Opportunities?

For many of us, the new year represents an opportunity to reflect and make a plan for moving forward. This is a useful exercise whether or not you’re satisfied with your current job / career.

Here are some questions and ideas to help you take advantage of the new year!

  • Think about what you learned and achieved in 2023…what new opportunities did you have? What new training or certifications did you receive? What new skills? List your 5 most significant accomplishments
  • Determine your goals for 2024…Are you looking for a promotion? A new job altogether? A new career? Create a written plan on how you can get there. Putting things in writing will help you hold yourself accountable. What do you need to do to prepare yourself to achieve your goal? Are there specific classes? Work experiences? New technologies? Specific people you need to reach out to? Put it in writing and give yourself a timeframe to accomplish what is needed.
  • Is your resume ready to go? If your resume hasn’t been updated in at least 6 months, add this to your to do list. Make sure your resume is full of accomplishments and numbers—as well as key words for your next job.
  • Review your performance expectations with your boss. Make sure you understand what is expected and how expectations may have changed over 2023.
  • Do you have a system to keep track of your accomplishments and numbers? There is probably nothing more important for your career than taking charge of it. One great way to do that is to track your accomplishments and numbers. You can do it electronically or use a paper file. Note that electronic files on your employer’s computer belong to your employer, not you. So however you decide to track this information, use a personal device or file.
  • How is your network? Do you have a coach or a mentor? If not, consider taking steps to find one. Are you in regular contact with people outside your workgroup? Is your LinkedIn current—and active? Are there people you know who can help take your career to the next level? Are you in touch?

These are just some ideas to help you start 2024 on the right track!

Stay connected by joining our network on LinkedIn for additional tips, resources, and more!

Give Your Career a Gift for 2023

New year, new start! Here are 10 easy things to do to improve your career in 2023:

  1. Listen more attentively and be truly open to feedback (and don’t forget to ask for it).
  2. Work on your soft skills and emotional intelligence.
  3. Set professional goals—they don’t have to be large ones, but you do need to write them down.
  4. Network—both internal and external to your organization.
  5. Find a mentor
  6. Create a professional development plan; consider not just formal training but also short-term / stretch assignments.
  7. Become more self-aware; recognize and address your weak points—as well as improve your strengths
  8. Take care of yourself; this includes short breaks during the workday, as well as using your vacation time.
  9. Update your career documents and social media.
  10. Get in the habit of tracking your accomplishments.

While promotions are certainly not guaranteed, the above 10 ideas will put you on the track for success—either with your current employer or someone else.

For more career tips, infographics, federal job postings, and other helpful media content like our Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram!

Are You Getting Passed Over for Promotions?

Have you been applying for promotions and not getting picked despite the fact that you think you’re qualified? Here are some possible reasons why:

  • You may not have the skills you think you do. Perhaps you’re really good technically but haven’t exhibited the interpersonal or soft skills the next level requires. Or one of the technical skills needed for that promotion may not be your strength—even though you can perform that function at a basic level.
  • While you do everything asked—and do it well, you may not be seen as someone who takes the initiative. Do you proactively problem solve or look to management to help? Do you go above and beyond—all the time?
  • You may be seen as too casual or unprofessional. Do you gossip? Dress too casually? Sign off the minute you’re able? Again, you may get everything done but these other issues—or your reputation—may hurt your chances for promotion.
  • You’re not really known outside your work group. As you move up the ladder, people you do not interact with regularly may weigh in on promotion decisions. Do you the people above you—and do they know you?
  • You have communicated that it’s “your turn” to be promoted based on tenure. This never goes well; promotions need to be earned and it needs to be clear that you’re ready. Organizations need to be convinced that you can add value for them.
  • You haven’t communicated that you’re looking to move up. Have you spoken to your boss about your career interests? Actually applied for the job? Shown that you can “do more”?
  • Your organization doesn’t have higher-level work. You may have simply reached as far as you can go in your organization. Are you competing with lots of high-potential employees? Is your organization flailing or otherwise not doing well? Is the work you do fairly routine? Assessing whether promotion is possible in your current environment is important.

What can you do to better position yourself for promotion?

  • Sit down with your supervisor and share your short- and longer-term goals. Ask for feedback—and listen to what you hear. Show that you’re trying to implement suggestions.
  • Track your accomplishments. It is important for you to recognize and share your achievements. This does not mean being a braggart. But it does mean that you should know and communicate your achievements to your boss. You can do this during your performance discussions and in writing during your end-of-year evaluation.
  • Build and leverage your professional network. You need support to get promoted—and that support needs to come from more than your peers and subordinates. Make yourself known to leadership in a positive way. Use LinkedIn and other tools to stay in touch with colleagues outside your organization to stay current and understand how other organizations view your position.
  • Consider getting a coach and/or a mentor. It’s always helpful to hear another unbiased opinion on your situation.

Remember, no one cares about your career more than you do. Take charge!

How to Resign

Perhaps you have reached the point of no return. Or you have decided that you want to be part of the “great resignation.” Or maybe you have gotten another job (congratulations!) If any of the above are true (and of course there are other reasons too), you will need to resign from your current employer. And ideally you want to do so gracefully.

Here are some tips for how to (and how not to) resign:

  • DO NOT forget to give notice. Two weeks is standard; depending upon your role in the organization, more time may be appropriate.
  • DO NOT burn bridges. You may need a reference—or you may decide you want to return to the organization.
  • Do NOT take the opportunity to share everything you think is wrong about the organization.
  • DO NOT brag about your new opportunities.
  • Do put your resignation in writing—and provide your contact information.
  • DO understand your separation benefits; COBRA, whether you’ll be reimbursed for unused vacation pay, 401(k), etc.
  • DO meet with your boss to tell her personally that you are leaving.
  • DO thank your organization for the opportunity – and share something you learned or enjoyed about the job.
  • DO offer to assist with the transition.
  • DO return all property that belongs to your organization.
  • DO be sure to delete any personal files from your work computer.
  • DO say goodbye to your colleagues.

People will remember how you resign. Take the time to do it right!

Thinking About Personal Pronouns on Your Resume and/or LinkedIn Profile?

You may have noticed pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/hir/zir) being included on social media profiles, email signatures, and in the job search process in general. Including pronouns can prevent accidental misgendering, helping you avoid having to correct a hiring manager or recruiter using incorrect pronouns. It could also help you identify an inclusive workplace. There is no one blanket rule/policy that can apply to all, and your decision to include your pronouns is a very personal one.

There are a few ways that you can clarify your pronouns within a job application process. If you want to include on your resume, you can simply add your pronouns under your name in the header (before your contact information). Another perhaps less obvious way to include your pronouns is in your cover letter, beneath your signature at the bottom of the page. You can add your pronouns in parentheses next to your name, or you can add an additional line under your name/title.  Sometimes, job applications will ask you to identify your salutation of Mr./Ms./Dr./other.

If you do want to include your pronouns on your career documents, there are a couple of ways to do so.

  • On the resume, add your pronouns in parentheses next to your name, or under your name. You can also choose to put your pronouns in a different color text to make them stand out.
  • On your cover letter, you can include your preferred pronouns under your signature at the bottom of the page. Or you could add them in parentheses next to — or underneath — your name at the top of the cover letter.
  • When sending an email to a hiring manager or recruiter, you can include your pronouns in your email signature.
  • On job applications, there may be a place to select your gender and/or pronouns. If you identify as nonbinary or transgender, you can leave that question blank if there is not a suitable choice.
  • On LinkedIn, you can add your pronouns to the “Last Name” field (so they appear after your name), or LinkedIn has now added a “Pronouns” drop-down to select your pronouns (or input custom pronouns).

While there can be many benefits to including your pronouns, the unfortunate truth is that there is still hiring discrimination in some quarters, so delineating your pronouns on your documents is ultimately your choice. You may have other opportunities, during the interview or after hiring, to share your preferred pronouns.

Thinking Career Change?

Deciding to change careers is a big decision.  It doesn’t just happen; it takes work and focus in 4 areas: Future Orientation, Research, Mindset, and Putting Yourself Out There. Whether you are focused on a federal or private sector career change, here are some specific actions to take to help you make that change you’ve been dreaming about.

Future Orientation

  • Start thinking about the future by examining the past. Reflect on your career journey to date — how you got to where you are today. How did you choose your current career?
  • Spend 15 minutes brainstorming what you want your ideal next job to be like in your new career fields.
  • Take a career assessment test (skills test) to identify opportunities for a future career. Free assessments include the O*Net Interest Profiler ( or the CareerOneStop Skills Matcher (
  • Make a list of what you like — and don’t like — about your current job. What do you want to be different in your next career?
  • Take a sheet of paper. On one half, write a list of the skills you already possess. On the other half, make a list of the skills required in your new industry.


  • Conduct an inventory. What skills, education, and experience do you have to offer (not just from your current job, but also consider volunteer work, hobbies, previous roles, etc.)?
  • Explore your transferable skills and experience using a tool like the CareerOneStop mySkills myFuture tool:
  • Spend 15 minutes researching a target profession. Use an online tool like the CareerOneStop Occupation Profile:
  • Make a list of 10 job titles you’d consider in a career change.
  • Make a list of 10 target employers you’d be interested in working for in your next career.
  • Spend 15 minutes researching the salary and benefit averages for your desired career.
  • Write down the names of 10 people who might be helpful in making your career change.


  • Take out a piece of paper (or open a document on your computer) and spend 5-10 minutes answering these questions: Why do you want to make a change? What do you want to be different in your next career?
  • Write out a statement — a mission statement — that you can use to guide your career change. It should outline what you want your career to look like and how you will achieve your goal.

Putting Yourself Out There

  • Register for a class, training, or degree that will move you towards your next career.
  • Make an appointment with a career counselor to provide an objective point of view on your career change planning.
  • Set up an informational interview. Arrange a meeting/call to talk to someone who does the job you want to do.
  • Ask one of your contacts if you can “shadow” them at their job to see what a “day in the life” is like in that career.
  • Re-target your resume to highlight your transferable skills, training and education, and experience towards your new career target.

None (or even all) of the above ideas will guarantee you a successful career change but they will help you get on the road to success!