It’s That Time Of Year Again!

September means that school is starting, along with the fall season. September is also Update Your Resume Month!

Since most careers require a resume in order to gain employment, it’s important that job seekers take a proactive approach in order to be ready for any and all opportunities that come their way. Too often, people try to write their resume at the last minute, which is the worst time to prepare a document that needs to be perfect. A well-crafted resume takes time and research, and Update Your Resume Month is a perfect reminder to be prepared for new opportunities

To update your resume, consider the following:

  • What have you accomplished for your employer? Have you improved efficiency (and if so, by how much?) Complete more than xx number of transactions in a specified timeframe? Have you saved your organization money (and if so, how much)? Etc. If you have written an annual self-assessment or accomplishment report as part of your annual performance evaluation, review that to help you get started.
  • Have you completed a new degree or certification? Or learned new skills?
  • Is your current resume focused on the past 10 years (I promise no one cares what you did in 1980).
  • Have you had a new job since you last updated your resume?
  • Is your resume keyword-rich for the position(s) you’d like to target?
  • Did you check that the dates and titles on your resume are consistent with what you have on LinkedIn?
  • Are acronyms spelled out?
  • Is your resume visually appealing? Readable (font is not too small and neither are your margins)?
  • Do you have both a federal and private sector resume? You never know what opportunities will become available and it’s best to be prepared!

September is the perfect time to think back on the past year of your career and achievements—and get ready for the future. This will you be prepared to maximize your opportunities and take the next step in your career.

To celebrate this time of year, don’t miss out on the opportunity to invest in your professional growth and secure your path to federal job success by using code BACKTOSCHOOL for 10% off our self-paced online training courses by September 30, 2024!

Thinking About Signing Up For A Self-Study Program To Advance Your Career?

There are a number of online certification programs that can help you increase your skills and knowledge base, and perhaps your career. Here are some pros and cons to signing up for one of these programs:


  • Many of these programs offer affordable, self-study options for continuing education and professional development.
  • These certificate programs can be an option for those seeking to boost their qualifications for an entry-level position in the field.
  • Once completed, you can add your new credentials to your resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Completing the certification can prepare you for other certification programs and/or provide college credit at certain institutions.
  • Financial aid may be available for some programs (a discount off the cost of the course). You can complete an application that includes information about your educational background, career goals, and financial circumstances.
  • Your current employer may reimburse you for completing the certification.
  • Completing a certification demonstrates your commitment to taking responsibility for advancing your career.


  • The certificate itself may not be enough to secure an interview or a job.
  • Certification is not a substitute for a relevant degree or direct work experience.
  • Some people who have completed the course say that the coursework was too broad or generalized to be useful.
  • Because the courses that make up the certifications are self-paced, you must be self-motivated to watch the videos, take the quizzes, and complete the exercises.
  • The cost may vary significantly; make sure you understand whether the course is offered on a platform that requires a subscription or is a flat fee. If you complete the certification but forget to cancel your subscription, you will pay significantly more for the certification.

Check out our self-paced online courses based on our training programs to learn how to Prepare a Federal Job Application and Prepare a Senior Executive Service Package!

What Does The Federal Workforce Look Like?

The Partnership for Public Service recently published a profile of the federal government’s 2M civilian, executive branch employees based on data from FedScope. Here are some fun facts:

  • Between 2019 and 2023, the federal workforce grew by ~140,000 employees.
  • In 1945, the federal workforce represented 2.5% of the entire US population; today, federal government employees make up ~.6% of the US population.
  • The vast majority of federal employees are involved in defense and national security (nearly 71%). The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has 20% of the entire federal workforce with 400,000 employees.
  • The top occupational category in the government is medical and medically aligned positions; these include physicians, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, dental officers, veterinarians and many other public health occupations. There are ~310,000 federal employees in these occupations.
  • Despite media reports to the contrary, only 20% of federal employees work in the Washington, DC-Maryland-Virginia area.
  • Only 7.4% of federal employees are under the age of 30; this is lower than the US labor force; 42.6% of the federal workforce is 50+. New hires are primarily between the ages of 30 and 49 (55%)/
  • The federal government is more diverse than the private sector with 60% of employees identifying as white (compared to 76% in the private sector). 26% of the members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) identify as people of color and 39% of SES members are women.
  • 30% of federal employees are veterans.
  • Education levels are higher in the government as well, with 53.8% holding at least an undergraduate degree (compared to 40.4% in the IS labor force).

Want more data? FedScope ( can provide it!

Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Hardly anyone likes to write a resume. One thing to think about is what to include—and what to leave out. Let’s look at both:

What should I include in a federal resume?

Federal jobs often require that you have experience in a particular type of work for a certain period of time. You must show how your skills and experiences meet the qualifications and requirements listed in the job announcement to be considered for the job.

  • Include important contact information. Don’t forget to add current contact information. Most job applications require this information:
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone number

Read the job opportunity carefully to make sure you have included all required contact information.

  • Include dates, hours, level of experience and examples for each work experience. For each work experience you list, make sure you include:
  • Start and end dates (including the month and year—some agencies require the days too!).
  • The number of hours you worked per week.
  • The level and amount of experience—for instance, whether you served as a project manager or a team member helps to illustrate your level of experience.
  • Examples of relevant experiences and accomplishments that prove you can perform the tasks at the level required for the job as stated in the job announcement. Your experience needs to address every required qualification.
  • Include volunteer work and roles in community organizations. Don’t limit yourself to only including paid work experience. Include relevant volunteer work or community organizations roles that demonstrate your ability to do the job.

What should I leave out of my federal resume?

Do not include the following types of information in your profile or resume:

  • Classified or government sensitive information
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Photos of yourself
  • Personal information, such as age, gender, religious affiliation, etc.
  • Encrypted and digitally signed documents

Following the rules for federal applications—all of which are clearly outlined in every job announcement—will help your resume receive the attention it deserves!

How To Follow Up After A Job Interview

You interviewed for a job a few days ago but haven’t heard anything. Now what?

Here’s some guidance for how — and when — to follow up after a job interview.

Preparing for the Job Interview Follow-Up Even Before the Interview:

The best time to decide how to follow up is in the interview. Asking about the next steps in the process at the end of the job interview can help provide a lot of clarity for your follow-up actions.

Near the end of the interview, ask the interviewer when you can expect to hear back from them about a hiring decision or the next step in the hiring process. This will help guide your follow up. If the interviewer doesn’t have a specific timeline, ask if it’s okay for you to check in with them. Ask if he or she would prefer you to call or email. And determine a specific date for doing so — usually a week or two at a minimum.

If you do establish a specific follow-up follow up process, make sure you follow it. That can solidify you as an even stronger candidate when you follow up at the time and manner you established you would.

What if you don’t hear back from the interviewer?

If you don’t hear back from the interviewer on the date promised, that’s not unusual. It doesn’t mean you weren’t selected for the role. Often, things come up that can delay the hiring process. Sometimes an organization’s priorities for hiring have changed. If the interviewer is also a manager, other job responsibilities can have an impact. Maybe they got sick or had a family emergency. All of these can impact the hiring timeframe — and may not necessarily be communicated to you.

  • When to Follow Up:

For situations when there was a definitive schedule provided — but that date has passed — an email follow-up is often the best way to touch base (if you have an email address for the interviewer). Write a short email reiterating that you interviewed for the job on [date] and are still interested in the position and would like to know if anything else is needed.

Following Up When You Didn’t Establish a Follow-up Schedule with Your Interviewer

What if you didn’t ask the interviewer about the next step(s)? And what if the interviewer didn’t mention a timeframe for making a hiring decision? What then?

The first step is to wait. See if you hear back from the interviewer. How long should you wait? You’ll generally want to wait at least a week. But you won’t want to wait more than 10-14 days before you reach back out to inquire about the status of the hiring decision.

  • How to Follow Up When There was no predetermined timeframe:

Again, you’ll want to send an email or perhaps call the hiring manager or Human Resources (HR). If you’re having trouble connecting with anyone, it might be helpful to get some “inside information.” If you have a contact at the organization, reach out and ask if they know anything about the hiring for the position. You may also want to reach out to your references to see if they have been contacted.

Keep Applying — and Interviewing

Even while you’re waiting to hear back about this job opportunity, keep your job search going. Focus on the things you can control (applying and interviewing for other opportunities) rather than the things you can’t control (an employer’s hiring timeline).

Wondering Why Your Career Has Stalled?

There are lots of reasons your career has stalled—and many of them have nothing to do with your supervisor. If you find your career to be stuck, you need to take a hard look at how you might be contributing to the situation.

Here are some of the most common reasons things are not going as well as you had hoped.

You don’t take the initiativeYou fulfill only your job requirements
The position you want doesn’t existYou only want a paycheck—and it’s clear
You have an entitlement mentalityYou are unorganized / procrastinate
Your job skills are outdatedYour personal issues affect your performance
You lack interpersonal skillsYou don’t follow through
You don’t implement suggestionsYou don’t express interest in development
You lack professionalismYou have “issues” with key personnel
Of course, there are other possibilities as well but if one (or more) of the above reasons resonate with you, consider making a commitment to getting your career back on track. You can make a plan by documenting the following—and following through:

Feedback Received:    

What Needs to Work:    

My solution to fix this is:    

I can demonstrate improvement by:    

While I cannot guarantee that this will work, at a very minimum it will allow you to know that you did everything you could before you decide to move on to another employer.

If you’re considering a career change check out our free Career Change Self-Assessment Worksheet and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with updating your resume, interview prep, or more!