Are you a USAJOBS user? If so, you need to create a new account since your existing USAJOBS password won’t work anymore. To save your existing profile and other information, use your existing USAJOBS email address to set up your new account. Do this now, before you get ready to apply.
See below for USAJOBS guidance.
What is is a service that offers secure and private online access to government programs, such as federal benefits, services and applications. With a account, you can sign into multiple government websites with the same email address and password.
Why is USAJOBS using uses two-factor authentication, and stronger passwords, that meet new National Institute of Standards of Technology requirements for secure validation and verification. By using, you’ll get an extra layer of security to help protect your USAJOBS profile against password compromises.
What will happen to my USAJOBS profile?
Nothing will happen to the information stored in your USAJOBS profile. You’ll keep all of your applications, saved searches and saved jobs.
Once you set up a account, we’ll link it back to your USAJOBS profile. The only difference is you’ll use your email address, password and security code to sign into USAJOBS.
What do I need to do?
You need to create a account, if you don’t already have one. Your old USAJOBS username and password won’t work anymore. You’ll need to:
- Create a account – you only need to do this once.
- Enter an email address during the account set up – use the same email address you use for USAJOBS (your primary or secondary email address).
- Create a new password.
- Have a working phone number (mobile or landline) near you – will send you a security code.
- Finish setting up your account.
Once you’ve finished setting up your account, you’ll go back to USAJOBS to finish the process. Double check your USAJOBS Profile to make sure all of your information is accurate.
You need to use your email address, password and security code every time you want to sign into USAJOBS.
What if I already have a account?
If you already have a account, you don’t need to create a second one. Use your existing email address and password, plus the security code to sign into USAJOBS.
What email address do I use to create a account?
To keep your USAJOBS profile information, you need to use your primary or secondary USAJOBS email when you create your account. When you use the same email that you use for USAJOBS, we’ll automatically link your USAJOBS profile to the account.
If you use a different email address when signing up for, we won’t be able to automatically link your profile. But, we can use your USAJOBS primary or secondary email address to help you recover your profile.
We recommend you don’t use a .gov, .mil or .edu email address. Instead, you should use a personal (non-government) email address when you create your account.
You also can’t use an email address you share with someone else.
Why shouldn’t I use a .gov, .edu, or .mil email address?
If you use a .gov, .edu, or .mil email as your primary email address, and then you leave your government or military position or school, you won’t have access to that email address anymore. Without access to that email address, it will be much harder to verify who you are, if you need to reset your password. You also won’t get emails about jobs and other important USAJOBS information.
Using a personal email address that you control (such as a Gmail account), is the best way to make sure you can always get to important USAJOBS messaging and profile information.
What if I currently use a .gov, .mil, or .edu email address for my USAJOBS primary email?
If you currently use a .gov, .mil, or .edu email address for USAJOBS, you may want to change it AFTER you get through the account set-up process.
Can I use a different email address from my USAJOBS email address, when setting up my account?
When you first create your account, you need to use the same email address you currently use for USAJOBS. This will let us link your USAJOBS profile information to your new account. If you want to change your email address, we recommend you do it AFTER you’ve successfully linked your profile and account.