Solutions for the Workplace, LLC is a leader in helping prepare Senior Executive Service (SES) resumes, ECQs, and application packages for candidates that get results. Thousands of Senior Executive Service positions will become available in the next several years due to the massive number of current SES members who are eligible to retire. While SES jobs come with a tremendous amount of responsibility, the rewards are great, too. The government needs and wants qualified candidates to fill these positions. Let us professionally develop and prepare your SES resume, ECQ narratives, and MTQ statements and help you with the applications and selection process that is overwhelming for most Senior Executive Service aspirants.
Preparing an SES resume, the dreaded Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs), and any Mandatory Technical Qualifications (MTQs; also known as TQs and Professional Technical Qualifications or PTQs) is an art. In addition, effectively matching your career’s work to the 28 competencies of the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) is paramount to getting your application past the human resources reviewers and in front of the decision makers. Even if an agency is using the new five-page SES resume as its application, candidates still need to demonstrate possession of executive-level experience and incorporate ECQs and MTQs into their resume. Successful applicants will likely be asked to supply a full set of ECQs later in the process.

Read more about the SES application and selection process.
I just learned that I was selected into the SES and will begin my first assignment in two weeks! I am really jazzed about this opportunity and wanted to thank you for the incredibly helpful service and advice you provided as I went into and through the selection process. Your understanding of the detailed nature of the ECQ statements, current OPM policies and thinking, and government HR practices were invaluable to me as I worked on my executive resume and ECQs, prepared for the panel interviews and updated my case for the ERB and QRB. I feel very fortunate to have had you in my corner and would recommend you to anyone considering entering into the SES. Again, thank you so much for all your help and support. – Steve
Our SES Resume Writing & Executive Core Qualification Writing Services
Given the complexity of applying for a Senior Executive Service position, many candidates rely on our resume writing expertise for assistance in navigating this complicated and time-consuming process.
Our SES resume services involve a collaborative process in preparing your SES resume, ECQ, and application package. Our incisive techniques for gathering information and prompting you for input will help you put forth your strongest achievements when applying for a Senior Executive Service position. We will work together to develop a presentation that will demonstrate to the agency that you meet the qualifications and bring solid offerings to further their mission. It is critical that you participate in this process and provide the examples and details needed to craft a thorough and effective package. In return, you will gain not only a well-written and properly formatted SES resume, ECQ, and application, but also confidence in your application presentation and qualifications.
SES Resume and ECQ Professional Writing Service includes:
- Review of SES resume and prior materials
- Template-based information gathering tools to assist you in assembling your examples, as well as customized interview style questions to uncover your achievements and strengths
- Development of 1-2 achievements per ECQ, written in OPM’s recommended Context-Challenge-Actions-Results (CCAR) format OR the 5-page SES all inclusive resume which outlines your ECQ CCAR achievements
- Ensuring your examples match the ECQ competencies and sub-competencies
- Technical Qualifications narratives or traditional SES resume as applicable
- Polished, fully-developed first draft with writing and editing that matches your responses to meet OPM’s requirements
- Revisions based on your review and input
- Final document versions formatted to be compatible with the method of submission
- Consulting to assist you through the QRB process once you are selected
GREAT NEWS! OPM approved my package, so I’m now a “career” SES. Thank you so much for sticking with me, long after other people would have thrown in the towel. I have really enjoyed working with you, and sincerely appreciate the key role you played in saving me from disaster in my 11th hour in the ECQ process. You are a life saver with a great sense of humor, and for that I will always be grateful. Count me among the legions of professionals you have helped in their own personal journeys through life. – CB
ECQ Developmental Editing Service includes:
- Review of your self-drafted ECQ narratives
- Line by line critique or editing of your drafts
- Assurance that each ECQ meets the format of OPM’s recommended Context-Challenge-Actions-Results (CCAR) format
- Ensuring your examples match the ECQ competencies and sub-competencies; interview questions to fill in areas requiring additional development
- Editing of your Technical Qualifications narratives and/or SES resume as applicable
- Polished, edited drafts that incorporate professional critique and guidance
- Revisions based on your review and input
- Final document versions formatted to be compatible with the method of submission
- Consulting to assist you through the QRB process once you are selected
SES Structured Interview preparation includes:
Successful Senior Executive Service applicants can expect to be interviewed. Most federal SES interviews involve a structured interview process. As a Certified Employment Interview Consultant (CEIC), Nancy has coached applicants at all levels to communicate their achievements clearly, concisely, and in OPM’s preferred CCAR framework. Interview coaching is on an hourly basis.
Most projects require a turnaround time of 10 days to two weeks. Our services are customized based on your needs. Contact us now for a quote to help craft your SES resume, ECQ, and interview prep to prepare for Senior Executive Service.
I think my interview went very well! I had 9 scenarios ready to go and used 3 of them completely. The process of writing the 9 down really helped because it allowed me to practice with the framework to organize my thoughts, and I was able to use the framework on scenarios I hadn’t practiced. And I made sure to get my elevator speech in at the end since they dove right into the specifics at the beginning! I felt like I projected well and I felt in command of the room, so to speak. I am completely certain that it would have been a very different experience without your feedback and guidance – ST
Other High-Level Federal Government Jobs
Interested in other Senior federal government positions? We can help you put together applications for Senior Level (SL), Scientific or Professional (ST), Candidate Development Program (CDP), and Judge (including Administrative Law Judge, Immigration Judge, Contract Board of Appeals, Merit Systems Protect Board, and others) positions. Contact us for a customized quote.
Solutions for the Workplace also provides professional resume writing services for USAJOBS Resumes, Entry Level Government Jobs, Military to Civilian Transition, SES resumes and ECQs, and for Private Sector Jobs.
Evening I am reaching out for assistance on writing a DISES and DISL package for jobs.
Hi Brian, please reach out via our contact form (https://solutionsfortheworkplace.com/contact/) and we’d be happy to discuss further.