Can I Use My Federal Resume To Apply For A Job In The Private Sector?

The short answer to the question is NO. Federal and private sector resumes are quite different on multiple fronts. Here are some of the critical differences:

  • Length: Your private sector resume should not exceed 2 pages.
  • Level of detail: Private sector resumes do not need the same level of detail about your work. Each of your job entries should include 3 to 5 lines of description, followed by bullet pointed accomplishments. No bullet point should exceed 3 lines of text and 1-2 lines is better.
  • LinkedIn; LinkedIn is critical for private sector job search. Your customized LinkedIn URL (not the default URL you are assigned) should appear on your resume. And your LinkedIn should include your picture, a customized headline, a complete about section, and completed information about your jobs. You should not copy and paste your resume
  • Applicant Tracking Software (ATS): Most private sector employers use ATS. While there is no industry standard for ATS, there are some commonalities. Your resume needs to be formatted for ATS; among other things, this means no tables (many online templates include tables—do not use them), no “cutesy” job headings, nothing smaller than 11 font and .5 margins, no contact information in the your header or footer, and of course, key words from the postings you’re targeting.
  • Cover letters: In most cases, cover letters are expected when you apply for positions in the private sector. Again, your cover letters should include the key words from the postings you’re targeting and match the formatting of your resume.
  • Networking: Not all private sector jobs are posted; many are not. It is not uncommon for people get jobs through those they know (or through those who know someone you know). You can mention your referral in your cover letter.

There are, of course, commonalities between federal and private sector resumes as well. These include the necessity of including powerful accomplishments to demonstrate that you have achieved results, numbers to give your work context, and a focus on the past 10 years. I promise that no one cares what you did in the 1980’s or 1990’s—or even in the early 2000’s.

Getting a private sector job is doable and a good way to start is by preparing your private sector resume and strengthening your LinkedIn profile, followed by focusing on the kind of jobs you’re targeting and the kinds of organizations and networking.

Looking For A Job While Still Employed?

The best time to look for a job is when you already have one. No hiring manager purposely decides to hire someone who is unemployed. Keeping your options open and making sure that you’re paying attention to what’s going on and having a resume ready to go is called “career cushioning;” something that should be part of your career strategy.

Here are some strategies for career cushioning:

  • Monitoring the job market
  • Preparing/updating job search documents and LinkedIn profile
  • Networking with recruiters and others who can assist with a job search
  • Arranging for informational interviews to learn more about an organization
  • Activating job search alerts and browsing job listings
  • Creating a target list of prospective employers
  • Applying for jobs
  • Researching opportunities in new career fields
  • Inventorying your skills and interests for alignment with future opportunities
  • Improve your personal brand by increasing your online visibility (blogging, social media engagement, etc.)
  • Upskilling/reskilling/training
  • Starting a side hustle that could become a job/career or taking on freelance work
  • Working with a resume writer and/or career coach

One of the most important parts of career cushioning is protecting your future.

  • What kind of job or career do you see yourself in a few years down the road?
  • What skills would that job or career require?
  • What steps do you need to take today to prepare yourself for a job search tomorrow or in the near future?

One key tactic for setting yourself up for success is networking. Connecting with individuals inside and outside your field can help you land your next role. Networking can help you identify unadvertised job opportunities, connect with recruiters and hiring managers, and learn more about an organization before you apply for an advertised opening.

Especially when pursuing a confidential job search, networking can help open door to finding the next job opportunity. No longer does networking mean just attending industry conferences and trade shows — connecting with contacts on LinkedIn and using LinkedIn messages to stay in touch can be just as effective.

Even if your position isn’t threatened, career cushioning is a smart strategy to ensure you’re being paid a market rate and you’re ready for an opportunity if it arises.

If you’re looking to learn even more, check out our other career resources.

Thinking About Signing Up For A Self-Study Program To Advance Your Career?

There are a number of online certification programs that can help you increase your skills and knowledge base, and perhaps your career. Here are some pros and cons to signing up for one of these programs:


  • Many of these programs offer affordable, self-study options for continuing education and professional development.
  • These certificate programs can be an option for those seeking to boost their qualifications for an entry-level position in the field.
  • Once completed, you can add your new credentials to your resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Completing the certification can prepare you for other certification programs and/or provide college credit at certain institutions.
  • Financial aid may be available for some programs (a discount off the cost of the course). You can complete an application that includes information about your educational background, career goals, and financial circumstances.
  • Your current employer may reimburse you for completing the certification.
  • Completing a certification demonstrates your commitment to taking responsibility for advancing your career.


  • The certificate itself may not be enough to secure an interview or a job.
  • Certification is not a substitute for a relevant degree or direct work experience.
  • Some people who have completed the course say that the coursework was too broad or generalized to be useful.
  • Because the courses that make up the certifications are self-paced, you must be self-motivated to watch the videos, take the quizzes, and complete the exercises.
  • The cost may vary significantly; make sure you understand whether the course is offered on a platform that requires a subscription or is a flat fee. If you complete the certification but forget to cancel your subscription, you will pay significantly more for the certification.

Check out our self-paced online courses based on our training programs to learn how to Prepare a Federal Job Application and Prepare a Senior Executive Service Package!

End of Year Wrap-up

Hard to believe that 2020 is coming to an end—this year has definitely been different for most of us. Let’s hope that 2021 allows us to get back to normal—whatever that might look like going forward. As you prepare for year end, there are a number of things that you can be doing to move your career to that next step:

  • Work on reaching out to your network. The end of the year is a great time to catch up with people you likely haven’t seen in months—or had occasion to interact with. Send holiday cards if you’re able; and if you do so, be sure to include a personal note. It doesn’t have to be long; a sentence or two to acknowledge the recipient.
  • Add your 2020 accomplishments to your resume. The end of the year is a great time to reflect on your achievements. Try to identify 2-3 ways you added value to your employer this year—and quantify it. Add those new achievements to your resume.
  • Review your LinkedIn Profile. If it doesn’t include your current job, add it. If you haven’t customized your LinkedIn URL, do so (see:; it will make your profile more professional—and your new LinkedIn URL to your resume. Make sure that you have a professional photo, you have key words for your industry in the About section, and your headline (the words under your name) are other than the default which lists your job title. Doing these things will likely take you less than 30 minutes.
  • Assess your gaps. Are you missing a critical skill? Certification? Something else? Write down what you’re missing and make a plan to address it. For best success, take specific action: sign up for a class, find a buddy to hold you accountable, schedule time to practice what needs improvement.
  • Unhappy in your job? First, try to figure out why. Next, assess your strengths, weaknesses, and be honest—take an assessment if you need to. Identify what you want to do and whether you have the existing skills and experience to do so. If not, make a written plan to close those gaps and implement it.
  • Practice interviewing. Ask a friend or a colleague to give you a practice interview and record it. Spend 45 minutes (or longer) on your practice interview. You can use Zoom, Skype, or another platform—the platform doesn’t matter but the practice does. And when you watch your “interview,” do so critically and write down what you could do better—and practice again.
  • Identify what you wish you had done this year. And resolve to do it next year.
  • Prepare your answer to, “what do you do?” Everyone needs a good answer to this question. Make your answer interesting and engaging. Think about using this formula to craft your answer: what do you do/what you want to do + why you’re good at it + value you add.

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday season!

Basic Approach to Diffusing Coworker Conflict

Feeling hot under the collar and it’s not the summer heat? Especially at work? Do not let workplace conflicts get out of hand. Take a deep breath and cool down…there are constructive ways of managing workplace conflicts.

Accept that conflict is natural and unavoidable. Wherever there are two or more people, conflict is inevitable. And in many cases (if handled correctly), conflict can be beneficial if you and your organization learn from it. First, think about the cause of the conflict; is it about communication? Lack of information? Uneven resources? Different values? Feeling overworked? Something else? Identifying the cause of the conflict (at least in your view) is the first step. Spend a few minutes thinking about the conflict from the other person’s perspective as well.

Next, think about how the conflict manifests itself. Has behavior deteriorated? Are you no longer receiving the information you need to do your job? Is the conflict important enough to address? Once you have decided that the conflict needs to be addressed and you’re ready to speak with the person in question, focus on the problem in the abstract rather than in terms of the other person’s personality. Do not make the conflict personal; focus on framing the issue around how it affects you at work.

If the issue is worth addressing directly, make sure you approach the person at an appropriate time and place. Verify that the other person has time to talk and you both can do so uninterrupted by phone calls and emails. Bring up the issue you’d like to discuss. Do not make accusations, and do not assume that you know why the person is acting in a particular way…or that they even know there is a problem. Use “I” statements, rather than “You” statements when telling this person how you feel. Make your perspective known, say how you feel and that you’d like to come up with a mutual solution and look for areas of conflict and agreement so you know what to focus on.

If it turns out you were wrong about something, or in-the-wrong overall, apologize and move on. Otherwise it could even help the situation in the long run for you to simply apologize for your part in the matter. And, once you agree on next steps together, keep your commitment. And follow up periodically with the other person to see how things are from their perspective – especially if lack of communication was what led to the situation in the first place. You don’t have to become best friends but a little “preventative maintenance” in your relationship with this person could go a long way – especially if you wind up pulling in the same direction and understand each other better.

9 Things They Didn’t Tell You About Transitioning out of the Military

If you are thinking about transitioning from your military to your civilian career, you probably attended TAP. Even if you paid attention during your TAP class, there are (at least) 9 things they didn’t talk about:

1. Transition is hard. If you have spent your entire adult life in the military, transitioning to civilian life is hard. You will likely be around people who have never served in the military—and in some cases you may be the first military member your new colleagues will have met! That means your new colleagues may not understand your experience or the language you use. You’ll need to translate your skills and experience into civilian “speak.” Most nonmilitary personnel do not know the difference between a Corporal and a Colonel, or a Brigade or Battalion.

2. You may not make as much money as you had hoped. Competition for jobs is fierce, whether you are targeting the federal sector or the private sector. And wages in many industries have been stagnant. You may not be able to match your military income, depending upon where you live and what you decide to do. In addition, you may not have access to the services you had as an active duty military member—depending upon your individual situation, you may have to pay for medical insurance and housing costs, your taxable income may be different, etc.

3. Veterans preference alone will not get you a job. You may have heard that as someone who has veterans’ preference, it will be easy to get a job in the federal government. The reality is that most federal job postings receive hundreds, if not a 1,000 or more applications. In most cases, a significant percentage of those applications are from those who have veterans’ preference—and many separating military members receive a 30%+ compensable disability rating. I worked with one agency which received 1,200 applications for a GS-6 position—and 900 of the applicants had a disability rating of 30%+.

4. Getting a job—whether federal or private sector—will take time. You should start looking for job prior to separation; if you’re targeting the federal government, consider using the VOW Act (see: prior to separation to receive veterans’ preference consideration. If you are selected prior to your military separation, most employers will wait a period of time for you to be able to start. I tell separating military members that they should expect 6-12 months of job search. Of course, you could get a job sooner but its good to be realistic about how long it could take.

5. No, you cannot “do anything.” I often hear from people who say that they can “do anything;” the military instills a “can do” spirit in its members. While this is obviously good, most employers want to know specifics. You need to be able to talk about the specific thing you can do, along with your accomplishments.

6. A general resume does not work. TAP often encourages transitioning military members to have a “master resume.” Again, whether you are targeting federal or private sector jobs, you need a targeted resume that speaks to the knowledge, skills, and abilities you bring to the table in the context of the jobs you are targeting. Rather than having a master resume, you may want to have multiple resumes, each focused on a different career field and using the key words / target language for the specific industry. And, if you are focused on the private sector, your resume will likely be run through Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) which will search for specific key words.

7. If you want to go the government contracting route, understand the risk. Make sure the position and contract are real (and have been funded) before you stop looking elsewhere. And ask when the contract ends—you want to know that the contract still as some “life” on it—there is no guarantee that the contract will be re-competed or that the contracting company will win. And if not, you could be on the street.

8. Yes, you need to network. In the private sector especially—and even in the federal sector—who you know does matter. The time to network is before you separate. A Department of Labor study shows that 80% of all job selections come from professional networks. Hiring is a risk for employers (they never know what they’re going to get) so being referred by a current employee is a huge plus. Reach out to one of the many military networking groups. Join LinkedIn and be an active participant. Talk to people about what you want to do and have your elevator speech ready to go.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This could mean getting assistance in figuring out what you really want to, writing your resume, practicing interviewing skills, etc. There is a lot of assistance out there for transitioning military members—both free and paid. You didn’t serve alone; you don’t have to transition alone either!